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ok so i really want this avatar and i havent signed up for any trades.... what collateral is accecpted and wanted? how does this work. you can neomail me at BailaBell.


you need 3.5m pure for collateral. T_T


so donating would be like buying bottle of sands from tdnalp?

ok so i really want this avatar and i havent signed up for any trades.... what collateral is accecpted and wanted? how does this work. you can neomail me at BailaBell.


The first thing you should do to get lended is to PM 'TDN Avatar Lending' saying why you want the item/pet, who you are and what collateral you have.

They should then PM you back with the required collateral. This depends on how much you're known around the forums, how long you've been here etc.


Thats pretty much it. If you do want to donate then go the the 'tdnalp' neopets account and buy some sands. You can send the sand back to them so it keeps the shop updated, up to you.


For any more information, you should go Here or Here.


So even if you donate and are well known you still have to put up millions of NP for collateral?? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose? Then you could just buy whatever it was without donating and being active. Correct me if I am wrong.

So even if you donate and are well known you still have to put up millions of NP for collateral?? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose? Then you could just buy whatever it was without donating and being active. Correct me if I am wrong.


you actually get your collateral back in full then you can borrow another item without costing you NPs.


Well if you're not known enough around the forums, the collateral will be high. This is because there is nothing to prove you won't just keep the item.

If you donated loads of been around the forums enough, You will be more trusted and it may not cost as much.


A new person won't be able to walk in and get lent a 1million item for 100k. But yes depending on the item, you may still have to put up millions.


Odee is right, Collateral is only the NP/Items the alp has while you have the item. It covers so if the item is lost or stolen, they have the funds to buy a new one. Your items are placed in the trades and once you offer the avatar item, the trade will be accepted and your items will be returned.


I think that a BD pet would be a great idea. :) I also think the ZDAP avatar is excellent, and while it will be a bit before I can afford collateral, I definitely will apply for it as soon as possible.

I'm new to the forums, though I have been using TDN for quite a while, and think I'll be going to donate right now, as this site has definitely helped me out quite a bit!


Yeah guys, I am aware of what collateral MEANS. However if it's something you can purchase you can always sell it back in the long run. Plus if you are donating "loads" you could just use that money towards buying the item yourself.


I understand that you need collateral but if it's the exact same price as the cost of the item then there is no reason for it. Try to understand my point of view and what I am saying because I don't think anyone is quite understanding what I mean.


Also yes, I understand there is nothing stopping someone from keeping the item. I wasn't proposing that you give a total stranger the item without collateral. Once again just try to understand what I am trying to say.


I'm so excited for this plushie! I'm dying for the avatar. I don't have the neopoints now, but I'm going to save up to borrow it and then donate those saving for the Chokato TCG. ^_^


We have a calculator which takes your forums post count, and calculates the percentage of full collat that you need to put down when you borrow. As mentioned above, you do get all that collat back once you have the avvie - its basically to cover us if anyone less-than-honest borrows or you get hit with a random event and we lose our items. That being said, you need significant activity on the forums before the calculator will return even marginally lowered collateral. Its about 100 posts to qualify, but after that it runs on a log scale so once you reach the level where you qualify for low collat the actual collat required goes down much quicker.


In all fairness, we have not done a reduced collateral lend since Jerry's account was frozen. The only people asking for it are people with either no posts or counts of less than about ten, and those people won't qualify. You need to understand that even though you know you aren't going to run off with our item, we can't know that... and as always there are going to be people who do try and take advantage. Our proceedures are in place for that reason.


This is all for item lending, of course. Our decisions on pet lending are more subjective past a baseline cut-off post count.


@Mimi - Its often better to borrow items, since for the most part these avatar items are HTS. If you don't want to be stuck with said item in the long run, or lose money off it, then borrowing is easier and quicker :) Oh, and for the record: donating does not affect the collateral you would be required to pay. That would be like charging for lending, and TNT frowns on that. If people choose to donate, please only do so because you want to help and not because you think it will get you cheap lends. Only activity on the forums can do that!


I think the whole point is so you don't actually have to buy the item, you can borrow it for what it costs, get the avatar (which is what we all really want), give the item back, and get your money back. You just basically got that avatar for free without all the work of buying it and hopefully reselling it for the same price or more. That's why I like this Avatar Lending Program the best. It just makes sense, for me at least. ^_^


I understand what you mean, Miss-Mimi. If you were to put up full price collat., why not just buy and resell anyways? Especially since avatar items are generally easy to sell. However, I think the system is a good one. I mean, yeah, if you just borrow it, then you don't have to go through the trouble of buying, and hopefully reselling at a price that is not a loss. The issue of partial collat. as opposed to full also makes sense, because if you are not a well known member, there is nothing to say that you are not one of those people that think "Hmm, I can get this million NP item for only 900k... who cares if I just keep it, sell it, make back my money plus 100k, and never post at that forum again."


I think the whole point is we as a community can come together in an almost safe environment to donate money and borrow avatar items together. It's practically free and fun. Plus we make a ton of friends we otherwise might not have met in Neopets. It's a big little world that Neopets. -_-


The point of borrowing an item for full collateral is to save yourself the hassle of buying one yourself and then having to resell it.


So whats the benefit of being active? Pet chains. :)


And you don't need to donate, definitely not "loads", unless you want to.. not to discourage you from doing so though ;)


I will be interested in a battle pet lending chain for sure. I'm training my eyrie, but I'm very slow at it. :P

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