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Neopets Virtual Collections

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After being completely silly and closing the internet before I sent this topic, I have to write it again! Okay... lets try writing it again.


I've started collecting Usukis today. I might start collecting plushies once I have every single Usuki and Usuki playset. What do you collect? But the obvious ones are any kind of map pieces or World Challenge pieces. (Can you tell us about any collections on Neopets other than those please?) I have a very good friend who collects snowglobes.

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I love to collect sweet foods! Though, i have seen a lot of lovely food on the site >3< Its very hard to keep up with them too! But i really like my collection so far


Edit: You can see it on my sig too XD

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i like to hoard what I get from restocking :D They're all in my shop, ridiculously overpriced, or in my gallery if theyre 50k+.


I don't like hoarding a lot of money on hand or in the bank; I find it really difficult to spend money when I've hoarded a sizable amount in the bank, so instead I invest my money in items :P

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My gallery is full of "Snowflake" items x3 I have about half of all the snowflake items out there.


Just plain neopet-wise, I collect avatars ;3 Neopoints don't mean much to me now that I have my royal peo's.

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stamps, for awhile, then lately avatars....

now its just NP so I can get adam's avatar! (ha!) due to needing a paintbrush I am down under 1m, but its pretty easy to build up by restocking and doing the dailies...


neoquest is giving a fair amount of prizes (codestones and the lot) as of late so that has become more profitable as well..

i would love to get my stamp avatars!

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I collect muffins. I forgot why I started, but it's really interesting. You ever seen the Muffin blog thing? That was my idea, sent it to TNT. Apparently there are others who share my interests, you wouldn't believe how expensive some muffins are...

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Muffins are really great for the BD.


I collect jellies, though I'm on hold right now. I'm running low on funds (only about 650k) so I need to save up, but as soon as I reach 1.5 mil, I'll start spending again!

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I collect Snowglobes too :)...i dont have alot yet (I have to do some research..see how many more i need besides the Faeries)...i also just started collecting plushies dont know if i'll finish or just save for stamps and the Adam Av....


Yes like eveyone else i collect the avs and stamps......


To the muffin collectors.....Does anyone need an Evil Muffin?

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I collect avatars!


For my gallery I don't have a theme as such. If I see something cute or pretty, it goes in. I have a Waterfish worth 1NP because it's pretty. I have more expensive things, too. Ghost & Snow PBs as they're my two favourite PBs to look at. Nice that they are cheap ones :-P.


I put all my jellies in my SDB. From the Giant Jelly. Because I don't know why.

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I'm currently collecting avatars because I do not have any idea what to collect since its kind of expensive to collect stamps and I do not have any preference for any items yet...

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Collecting avvies, *coughtryingbutfailingcough* saving money etc etc etc etc....etc.

Jun? I saw your galerry and I found a ... Orange Jelly Toilet, WhAt'S up?

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I collect junk. :P I also sell junk to people who are interested, but yeah, mainly I collect it. xD

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Collecting avvies, *coughtryingbutfailingcough* saving money etc etc etc etc....etc.

Jun? I saw your galerry and I found a ... Orange Jelly Toilet, WhAt'S up?


Its delicious XD its jelly, ya know XD

the works! thats how i try atleast.. if it looks good, then yeah

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Okay, I just joined JellyNeo. I'm putting things I'm collecting into the JellyNeo wishlists. Anything with Plushie or Usuki in the name. I'll post the link once I've finished making the wishlist.

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Okay, I just joined JellyNeo. I'm putting things I'm collecting into the JellyNeo wishlists. Anything with Plushie or Usuki in the name. I'll post the link once I've finished making the wishlist.

Ah thats acutally a good idea.. i should have done that a logn tiem ago XD But man.. there are Millions of plushies and Usukis

No quigikis though?

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It has pretty much every item they know of, which is a lot. I'm only searching for plushie ones and Usuki ones. I'm not ready to collect Quiguki yet. :P


EDIT: Okay, I made the link. Click here to see my public wishlist - Usuki and Plushie items that I don't own. Including books, posters and such. Over 1000 items there. It took me about an hour and a half to sort out. The extra half hour = got confused on the plushies so I deleted the whole category and started over.

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