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Hi! :D


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Heya, I guess I'm the latest addition 'round here ;D I'm M, your average twenty year old NP fan. Longtime fan of TDN and I finally got the courage - and time - to finally join up. I'm looking forward to helping out the community, as well as meeting all you interesting cats :P Uhh, something about me you ask? WHY CERTAINLY LAWL ;D I am currently in my third year of college, a country gal living in a big American city, and very passionate about writing. My major is English with a concentration in Creative Writing. I <3 literature, especially the American Romanticism period (Edgar Allan Poe, Hawthorne, Bryant), and I have recently published my second book. No, I won't reveal my real name so you can find it and threaten my privacy lmao Recently, I got back into NP after a very spunky friend of mine reminded me of how amazingly fun and addicting it was. Now that I've got a bit of spare time again, cause clearly college students are just sooo swamped with partying and sleeping, I plan on finishing up my Exotic Foods gallery.


AND! That's pretty much all there is about M, the lovely and mysterious writer of words.

Thanks for reading, can't wait to chat with you all <3

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Hi M, I am Milli!

Don't forget the rules before you post, but with such a big post up there ^^ I would be surpirsed if you hadn't already ;)


*hi fivez* I am an author too!

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Hi M! Welcome to TDNF, my name is Lindsey! xD

I hate having to throw something in about the rules in the first sentence, but it really is best to read them just so you can avoid any unnecessary trouble...

It sounds as if you'll get along fine around here, and we're all happy to have you here! I'm sure almost anybody would be willing to help you out if you have any problems or questions!


Looking forward to seeing you around. :)

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Hey M, welcome to TDNforums!

My name's Stephanie. No, I won't tell you my last name as for the same as your reason of not posting your first name :P

Anyway, I hope ya stick around for a long time with us 'insane' people (:

Hope Thedailyneopets will be of great assistance to you :D

Oh and like the others said, review the rules and if you need help, feel free to ask any of our members ;D

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Hi M! Welcome to TDNF! You'll find a lot of literary types around here. =] I hope you enjoy it and stay active! You've already gotten the standard 'rules' speech and stuff, so I won't repeat it, but I will tell you not to eat the cookies!


Anywho, I really hope you enjoy it here. I've met a lot of writers on this site. Kinda surprised me, actually. I just do short stories when I'm bored, so I don't really qualify as one of the "writer types". =\


~ Livvy

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