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Cheapest Petpet


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Doing some "charity" work for the pound, and am wondering if y'all have any tips on the cheapest petpet. Currently I am using Altachucks...valued around 400np, which isn't much but I'm just curious if there's anything cheaper.




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Ooh, I was going to suggest Altachucks. That makes me feel special (cause it makes me feel like I at least know a little about Neopets xD)

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  • 4 months later...

scados are also a less well known but good one. i don't think they're neaarly as cute as the altachucks, but they go for 400 to on the wiz...


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Jellyneo lists Tencals as the cheapest at 300 np. Mibbles, Uggatrips, and Altachucks are all also really cheap. I'm not really sure if this reflects the current SW prices or not, though.

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