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Stupid Questions, I Know...


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I was just wondering how much higher your pets hit points go when you train? Is it better to train for this using Codestones or Dubloons? I got her up to 46/46 from the lab but can't zap her anymore ^_^. I want to beat Kasuki Lu, The Black Pteri, Meuka etc. for the avatars but I lost to KL as the HP went down too fast even though I used a few items. (Snowballs and Scarab Ring, probably useless but I don't know anything about the Battledome!)


I'm interested in the Battledome for her anyway so any pointers for a BD newbie would be awesome :]. This is what MichiBonnie has-


Hit Points: 46 / 46

Strength: GREAT (21)

Defence: armoured

Movement: speedy

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Well if you are looking for traing faster I would suggest the codestones But if you want the economy price, best bet for ya is the dubloons. Of course I would suggest you to read the The Daily Neopets battlepedia for the max. information you want and any last advice will be (drink a lot of fluids.)

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Fast Training Guide | DON Guide


You will probably have to increase your Strenght, Defense, HP and Level if you are planning to get all battle avatars. Usually, people start to train with dubloons and then switch to Codestone, or to maximise training speed you can do Codestones during day time/when you are at your desk and Dubloons at night because it takes more time to complete these trainings.

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im at a level where i need 3 codestones to train vs 5 dubloons, its much cheeper (now) to codestone train than dubloon train....at least for me anyways...ive been doing scratchcards as well and have raised the level there quite a bit (500.00 is much cheeper than 10k worth of codestones!)

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Snakanat has a good petpage guide for defeating 1-player Battledome opponents. I managed to beat Kasuki Lu in two rounds using it! Also, Scarab Ring is a great weapon - it is rated very highly by TDN's Battlepedia.


Are you doing Defenders of Neopia? You get nice trophies for it.

You are AWESOME! Thanks for that, I used their guide for Kasuki Lu and got the avatar! Took a few tries to freeze him but it was worth it ^_^.
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