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Well i have an eating disorder, and i love neopets because it helps me take my mind off all the associated symptoms and stuff. I think that neopets appeals to tons of people, but ESPECIALLY people with mental disorders and the like because it gives us an escape, something else to be engrossed in other than our "problems" so to speak. On the occasions that I get put into the hospital, it helps time just fly by, and when i'm at home it keeps my mind off all the crap that comes with an eting disorder. for me, its just a fun site that helps me stay sane :P


I am actually mid 30's, highly educated and quite well off. I also suffer from extreme laziness and so Neopets is good for me. I was a big Ultima player but the shard I was on went down and so, purely as something to waste a little time with, I signed up to neopets and have just kinda stayed since then. It can be quite addictive playing the flash games etc.


You know, I'm 18 years old and I've been playing Neopets for more than 5 years. I don't have any cool disease that makes me feel like I want to play Neopets. I just want to. I want to be the best at everything all at once so I'm pretty much average at everything I've done because I'm so busy working at everything all at once. I've decided for now I'm going to focus on avatars and making as much money as possible. I just want to be the best, you know? That's what drives me.


I think there's different aspects of neopets that would appeal to different people. There's a competitive aspect, a social aspect, a literary and a numerical aspect... and you feel as thought you're part of a whole other world, with it's own history and places. You can choose how deep you get into neopets; you can just do your dailies, chat a bit on the boards, or you can completely immerse yourself in all the back story and plots and events. I think it's an amazing thing. But I think there is certain kinds of people who do play. I mean, I know a lot of people who just think it's ridiculous. I know my flatmates think I'm insane. :D But it's beautiful in it's simplicity. ^^ You don't need a super-fast computer (except for KQ. Grr.) or anything. You can just have it in the background and check up on it.


I joined back in the day because I was bored once, and now I still play because I love the richness of all the background stuff, I like being involved in it all, like it's my second life. :D


I am 15, "normal", intelligent, and NOT a geek. I enjoy Neopets because it's versatile and undemanding. I have tons of homework, most of it involving the computer, so I can play Neopets casually when I just need to take a mental break from whatever my homework happens to be at the time. But then when I have time, I get to actually play competitively and go for the avvies and NPs and such. It works either way.

I like Neopets better than other sites because I do feel safer, and (somewhat surprisingly) Neopians seem a lot more mature than the players on other such sites. There's not so much "haha, I win, you lose" on here (with the exception of the occasional gloat or quitter on KeyQuest, but that's beside the point.)

I said earlier that I was "normal". By that I just mean I'm mentally normal. But by the "normal" people at my school, I'm considered innocent and sometimes sheltered (I'm not, but they think I am because I avoid cursing and such), so you may be on to something when you say Neopets isn't for the "normal" crowd.


~ Livvy

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