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The new computers in the shared lounge of the building I live in don't have flash/I am having problems sending my games scores, so I have been thinking of going into restocking as a way of making money. Is this sensible? My funds have been going down rapidly since I have not been able to play games, and at present I have about 50k in the bank.


Any restocking experiences would be very much appreciated!

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Yes, I think that it is sensible. Many users make millions off of restocking.

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From what I've heard, it takes a LOT of time and patience. TDN has a guide here. If you're really keen on it then go for it! (but be prepared for a lot of refreshing ;))

But really, you also have to consider some things that have ruined the average restocker e.g. keyquest. Yes, a restocker's nightmare. :O

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how much capital do you have? capital isnt how much money you have; capital is the amount of money you have that you're willing to invest into restocking. if the answer to that question is more than 200k, then restock away!. if you dont have 200k/cant afford to invest 200k into restocking, then i suggest you find a way to make that 200k. it's really hard to get into restocking without a significant capital, because after the first few days you realize you've burnt through 50k and you havent made a penny to show for it. then you end up geting frustrated and you're then traumatized about restocking for the rest of your life. not a happy ending.


book shops are a great starting point for restockers. they're usually not tooooooo crowded with restockers (there's rarely any unbuyables that are restocked there)and even during peka hours youre likely to be able to nab a few things because they restock in large quantities. it's also fariyl simple to figure out the "valuable" books from the non-valuable books just from the thumbnail graphic.


stamps are also great profit-wise. collectable cards yield significantly lower profits and there's less demand for them, but its a great practicing ground for restocking.


hope that helps!


EDIT: i should warn you i'm not a bona fide restocker though. 99% of the things in my gallery/shop are restocked from the neopian shops but I dont restock for the purpose of making quick sales - I collect and hoard.

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Like alot of things on neo, restocking can sometimes take alot of time and effort.

Once you get the hang of it, you can make ridiculous amounts of neopoints! And who knows, you might be a natural at this...

But like 'imnotgeorge' said, it definitely helps to have a decent capital!

As a beginner, I think I might recommend the book store, or pharmacy.

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i find that restocking things which are relativly cheep (under 100 NP) like snowballs can make you a reasonably good bang for the buck if you use the SSW, for instance if i buy a sand snowball at 1np and resell it for 200 Np i net 199 NP...since that item always goes to at least 200 + Np I can make a really quick turn around for cash, it may take longer than buying a BIG item and reselling it but it is a consistant stream of income.


i also search for words which can link to many things in the SSW ie: "simple green" will bring you all the simple green furn. which is almost always at least 1-2 people selling it very cheep where if you buy that and resell it at the next lowest SSW price (ie you buy it at 100 Np and 150NP and it is then listed at 500 NP for the next item) you have cashed out 300-400 NP in profit.


scarab rings, also a good deal, people sell them as "junk" for 100-500 NP and you can easily resell at 1500 to 1800 Np.


it may take more time than restocking from a shop but I have been more succesful this way than any other.

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