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It goes to 100 percent load then it turns into a black screen. I can get games like the first hasee bounce, but not the second one. I can get the originals of most games to play, but not the newest ones. All of my video programs are up to date (Flash, etc.,) It only happens on my laptop. I can get all the games to work on my desktop. But I don't use the desktop often.


We were chatting about this yesterday, are you having trouble with games that have advertisements before the actual game? If so, you might have a "Block Pop-up Windows" option checked that could be blocking it :)


I think I have activex installed. It worked fine a few months ago though, then my dad went and did some fiddling with my computer for some weird reason, and I haven't been able to play them since.


Yurn Off Your Pop Up Blocker, De-Activate Your FireWalls, Turn Off Your Ad Blocker, Install Active X If You Havnt Done So Already And Install The New Flash Player... Plus, Neopets Dont Seem To Like FireFox So Using I.E May Help. :)


Hmmm, That Was Just An Idea As Ive Been Told Many Times By FireFox Users That Some Parts Of The Neopets Site Does Not Work For Them. I Just Stick With I.E, Its All Ive Ever Used And Its Fine For Me :)


IE is way too insecure for me! I could never go back there. -shiver- Too much evil. My school's computers only have IE and it freaks me out. lol Besides I played games using Firefox just fine a few months ago xD


Haha, Why Not? Dont You Have A Virus Protecter On Your PC? And At Least You Can Get On Neopets At School, My School Block Every Site Thats Un-Educational... I Hope They Dont Find Out About This One :)


Yeah but that isn't the point dear one. Even with virus blocker there is still a bunch of stuff that can happen while using IE. Firefox is ALWAYS updated, whereas IE isn't.


Hmmmm... "Dear One?" Pmsl. Well Ive Used I.E For Years, The Only Time I Ever Got My Password Stolen For Anything Was On Runescape. But Yeah, I Must Admit That There Was Only One Update To I.E Last Year...


heh? the only browser i have EVER used is IE, nce i downloaded Firefox thinking that it was a program which helps videos to show faster but shiver me timbers I was so scared to realise my mistake....brrr. Anyways you can try log off....if that helps.


Firefox loads pages much faster than IE. I have to wait at least 5 times as long for a page to load in IE than I do in Firefox. XD

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