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Hey call me Dawn. I just joined here and don't really have any friends in realz into neopets so I'm I glad I found this site. It looks pretty cool so I'm staying =) I have a newbie account on neopets but had an old account I forgot the pass to =P Oh well I ddint really have anything rare on there anyway and would rather start fresh. Heres hoping to make some new friends.


Cyaz =)




Seems like a nice handful of people have lost old accounts due to password forgetting (i forgot both my old account and my old password lol) At any rate, welcome!

Seems like a nice handful of people have lost old accounts due to password forgetting (i forgot both my old account and my old password lol) At any rate, welcome!


Thanks! And wouldn't you know it they were under old email adresses so I couldn't recover them...=P Well I have been playing since I was really little. (I'm thirteen been playing since I was aroun six or so) I have been coming back and forth to neopets and I decided I felt like playing again and my pass was forgotten -.- I felt like creating a new username and pets anyway. And no rare items lost cuz I didn't really have any lol..no harm done right? =) On my old accounts when I was little I was really noobish and had no idea whatsover how to play the game and thats probably why...I just liked playing games and feeding my pets in the soup kitchen ;)


Welcome to TDN Forum. I do hope you enjoy your time here! if you ever need anything, do not be afraid to send me a PM


Hi Dawn! My name's Stephanie.

TDNForums is definitely a friendly community so I hope you make yourself comfortable :D

Make sure you read the rules first, just to stay in the mod's good books 0:)

But something to watch out for.........*cough* insanity *cough cough*



Anyway, have fun and stay active!


~*~Welcome Dawn~*~


Like Stephanie said, be sure to read the rules...your doing well so far though!

I forgot my original accounts password too, and I eventually remembered it,

but by that time my new account was way better, so now I just use my old one as a side.


Well I hope you love it here, cause we all do!

Stay active, and if you have any questions about anything don't hesitate to PM me!

Helping is what the members and staff on this forum do best!

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