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How did you get your Username


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I've had tons.


My VERY first one on Neopets was fluffball48. Blah, I know, plus I was pretty young. Then I made other ones when I got tired of my name, ballfluff being one of them. When my friend at school asked for my username, I didn't want to give her fluffball48, my main, because it wasn't 13 yet. So I gave her ballfluff, my next most used account.


That's how that started. But now I have tons of usernames all over the place. :P

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mine is wird lol sice I had tons... I had Jairo74 for my first neopets account but got frozen so when I started to play runescape i thought... hmm my name is Kai... and my shadow follows me wherever I am so I typed kai and shadow but it was to long... so I Zipped and finaly I got my most used username kaiandshadow :D

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I think my very first account years ago was hermione_granger and then a string of numbers which probably had 9 in it, my favorite number... I was a big Harry Potter fan back then. I had some other accounts I don't remember but they've all been frozen.


Now I have levanamoony - Levana, my name, means 'moon' or 'white' in Hebrew, and my side account is 'avastra,' which is a name I made up. :P

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My most used username is antiaircraft - it was just the first random word I came up with when I needed a username. :P My nickname, AA, is simply the abbreviation of anti-aircraft.

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My very first Neopets username was cogs21, way back in 2000. I can't remember why I picked that one. I think it might have been one of the randomly generated ones that I liked.


Other's I've used have been: decorumm, sagradox and now nuclophobic.


I made up the word nuclophobic during a history lesson a couple years ago, and I never thought about it until I needed to come up with a username for LJ. Now it's just kinda stuck, and I like it.

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Well Let me expalin some


Marik229 (Old account, Cant log into it anymore) Was From my time in Cairo, (that and YuGiOh XD)

Ishigaki - Nougami Neuro

Jun - My Name (Also Ishigaki's kinda name U:)

Hakunio - Then was a short of Hydrological Artificial Knight Used for Nocturnal Investigation and Observation (Now jsut my character's name)

Elias - My Online Bio (Sir Funyk Jun Elias Oliver Gutsman the Third)

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Ai_darkholme, well I'm an avid X-men fan, and I've always thought Mystique's real name was awesome (Raven Darkholme), one thing led me to another, and then I wrote this lame fanfic and gave the main character that last name, then I dunno how she became evil and her first name changed to Ai (which then I realized ai means love in japanese hahaha totally opossite but well), so, Ai_darkholme was born.


Adris_Undead: My name is adriana, and a friend started calling me Adris, I even callmyself AdriS(**erm... dung?**)T but I obviously can't use that because it's a no-no word, so I just threw a random word there hahahahaha because Adris is always taken

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At first (like some of you know), my account was Angelxepha. I came up with the name "Angelxepha" because Xepha was taken on AIM a few years ago, and since people were always comparing me to an angel, I added it to the name. Once Xepha was available on Neopets, I created the account and this is the one I use as a main since Angelxepha is frozen.


All the usernames I use are from novels I wrote when I was a teenager XD

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I got mine about 5..erm.may 6 years ago when a friend was setting me an aol account up. (Thank heaven he paid for it) and all the names I could think of were taken. And I was one of the few "goths" that were around so he told me to use something with goth in it. So I was like, SimplyGoth. But I couldn't make it that simple lol I'm far more complex so I switched it around and SympliG0th was born. Then as I began to model more the name stuck and hence I got my website SympliG0thic.com Which eventually will be more than just me on there (I hope)

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Snakepuffarturo991 = My old Cartoon Orbit cZone name

Scrawnyfish = A Neopets item

zieg_the_red_dragoon = My ex boyfriend's acct xD!

ziegs_girl = I was his girl

Ðãrk_Ångê£ = Back in 2001 we went through a phase on MSN Groups where everyone put "dark_" in front of their name. My boyfriend's real name was 'Charly' so I was 'Charlys_Angel' but then it was changed to 'Ðãrk_Ångê£'

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shirahli is the name of my daughter who started playing, then decided she didn't want to play anymore, so I started feeding her pets... the rest is history. :-)


My side account is judykm_the_mom . I think that is sort of self-explanatory.... ;-)

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aw i like you avatar gimpm3! ^_^



anyway, Micamone was a joke between my ex-stepsister, me and my mother. My sister's full name is Micaella, and my full name is Simone. Our nicknames were Mica, and Mone (that's why i prefer people calling me mone rather than mica). My mother used to call us inside saying micamone. ^_^ I always use it on pretty much every site. if you see a micamone on another site, it's probably me.

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I use quite a few, but I'll tell how I got rosy_finch13 (rosyfinch13)


My favorite bird is the rosy finch, and my favorite number is 13, simple.



Just to list some others I use: Raxen, Doom Ultimate, allagor.


I may get around to those at a later time.

I'm getting around to some of them.


Raxen. I was trying to think of an interesting name, and that came up. (when I play wolf et with it it looks like this: Raxen)

Doom Ultimate. When I got my first free xbox live thing, I had to think of a name. I had just been playing The Ultimate Doom and Doom 2, so I switched some words around and got it.

allagor. I'm not how saying right now, But I use it a lot when I play fps games on the pc.


So if you see any of those, their likely to be me (I haven't seen anyone else use them yet)

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