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Hello.. My name is Constance. I am 22 and I play on Neopets frequently. My brother got my mom started and my mom got me started and my grandma started. LOL. And now we are all addicted. lol.


Anyway, Im just here to meet new people and I figured since I use this website to keep up with my Avatars and do my Dailies that I might as well join the forum too.. haha.

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Welcome Constance!


My name's Stephanie.

Haha that was sort of how I got into neopets, from my brother. :P He doesn't play neopets anymore but I've already started playing again this year! With TDN its made my time at neopets more enjoyable ^_^

Yeah, the dailies have been a hit on TDN and the avatars part of the site is extremely helpful too!

Make sure you read the rules and I'll cya around!

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