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Spooky Treasure Map?


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I have the Lab Ray map and the Petpet Lab Ray map, and right now I'm considering to collect the whole Spooky Treasure Map. Is it worth it? What does this map give you?

(Oh, and if there is a thread about this you can point me in that direction - I didn't find one.) Thanks. ^^

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Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Collect pieces that you get from random events... but don't invest too much on buying them. It could award you 10 useless spooky foods, or one of the 10 items could worth more than the map. I got a Snorkle Snout when I turned my Spooky Map in :)

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  • 3 years later...

I am thinking of buying ALL the maps after I have like over billions of neopoints. lol I don't care if the prizes are useless, I rather just brag that I bought all the maps. :woot:

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