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i was going to get prizes from advent calendar.And it says ''Today you pick up...


A Seasonal Chomby Biscuits and a Christmas Paint Brush!!


You also find 295 Neopoints!!


but i didn't get the item :(


That was yesterday's prize. Today, you should have gotten:


You find 273 Neopoints!!!


You find a Seasonal Zen for the Angry Petpet!!!


You also find a Angry Meekins Holiday Wreath!!!


Maybe you should try visiting again?

  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah This Happened To Me Two Days Ago (14th) Can Any1 Tell Me What I Should Have Got? Cheers =)


If you never receive your prize from the advent calendar, first make sure you done have a window open that was refreshed after you collected your prize (Paint Devil has taken my Advent stuff RIGHT after i got them before)

Also! If its a glitch, There is no REAL answer minus the fact TNT made a small error. All you can do is send them a Forum and wait for them to fix it. If you are terribly worried about not receiving an item, you can always go buy them, Usually the day they are released they are found all over the site in the Money tree, the Second hand shop, and in other member's stores for very very cheap prices.

Yeah This Happened To Me Two Days Ago (14th) Can Any1 Tell Me What I Should Have Got? Cheers =)

You should have gotten your prize by now. There was a glitch that day, and TNT is sending the items to everyone, apparently in alphabetical order. Check your inventory. They should be items related to freaky factory.


Yeah I Got Em Unstream, Thanks. Half Of These Advent Calendar Items Have No Use... Dissapointing =/


They might not be useful to you but I'm sure there are people who love getting them.


I collect/sell books, so everytime the AC hands out books I jump for joy. I wish they handed out books everyday, but of course TNT has to cater to everyone's interests, that's why AC always hands out such a huge spectrum of items.

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