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Hello! I am new to these forums & apologize if this is posted in the wrong spot.


When I logged in on Monday, my Chia's hair tuft was gone. I thought it may be some sort of glitch & that it would magically reappear, but it is still gone this morning. I searched this site front and back & cannot find an answer. He looks so silly! Does anyone know why this may have happened...and if so...how to get it back?


Thank you in advance!


I had this same problem with my Lenny, and I have seen a couple of other pets around the site with the same issue.

Is this some illness we don't know about? Or perhaps the odd sneaky beginnings of a new plot? I hope it's the later...

And I really hope it's not just some crazy glitch that has made my pet look ugly.


Thanks for the input...I'm glad I'm not the only one. Did your Lenny's hair reappear, or is he/she still bald?


It seems strange to me that the issue hasn't been addressed by the Neopets team.


Please let me know if you come across any new info & thanks again!!


I saw a couple of bald Xweetoks in the pound the other day. It looked really, really odd, but I had to think first about what was strange about it. Then I noticed they didn't have the mane.

I saw a couple of bald Xweetoks in the pound the other day. It looked really, really odd, but I had to think first about what was strange about it. Then I noticed they didn't have the mane.

OMG, Not Xweetoks! If one of my precious, darling Xweetoks gets stricken bald I'm going to have a fit!


My Lenny's hair is still missing, but I have put a Shenku headdress on him to hide his shame, LOL.

And I haven't found anything new about it, but I have continued to see a lot of bald pets around th site...

I really don't like this whatever it is. I wanted to make that Lenny a faerie eventually, and he won't look very snazzy bald!


OMG, Not Xweetoks! If one of my precious, darling Xweetoks gets stricken bald I'm going to have a fit!


My Lenny's hair is still missing, but I have put a Shenku headdress on him to hide his shame, LOL.

And I haven't found anything new about it, but I have continued to see a lot of bald pets around th site...

I really don't like this whatever it is. I wanted to make that Lenny a faerie eventually, and he won't look very snazzy bald!


Yeah, I saw about two or three of them in the pound. I'm not sure whether they were pounded because they were bald, or they went bald because they were pounded. LOL. It's just so weird. Bald Neopets. There's an evil guy with an evil plan, going round stealing all the pet's hair. Hahahaha.


I don't think any of mine are missing hair, at the moment. But your poor Lenny. at least with that Shenkuu headdress on, you can't really tell. But, painted faerie and bald... he'd look very old. =P


the pictures of Neopets are essentially divided into parts (eg. head, wings, feet, tail, hair, etc), and are put together by flash programming. You can see this if you load a pet's page and see their image appear in parts. By doing this, Neopets are able to look good while being customized and also saves Neopets artists from some extremely tedious work.


It's just a glitch, I'm sure it will be fixed soon. ;) It looks like the chia is back to normal, but the lenny still looks funny. :P


I had to go check my Xweetok after reading this one, thankfully still maned lol


Would anyone post a link so I could see the baldies? O.o I hope they don't stay that way!


My Chia is still missing hair. His name is berrybutton1 if you'd like to check him out.


Thanks for all the input everyone!!


Edit: When I search my Chia from another account, I can see his hair...but still can't see it when I'm logged in on that account. I'll try to get a pic of hairless berrybutton to post here.


That's PeacockIfYouPlease....Bald <_<

I guess it's good that it's a glitch because that means eventually they will fix it,

but I have to say I was kind of hoping for some mysterious plot thing, LOL.

Like when all the petpets starting disappearing in the giant jelly sub-plot....



A little while ago there was a person in my guild whos shyoro's (soz that is spelt wrong) eyes dissapered, they came back after a little while though!


Oh, this one was orange, it had no eyes it was really wierd, maybe we should tell TNT?


As of this morning, my Wocky has lost the fur around her neck. My Chia is still hairless as well. It looks so strange!


It's an interesting point that Saphira brings up in not seeing any painted pets with these problems. Maybe I'll paint the two & hope that will make them look normal haha!


Wocky are also loosing fur... They look really bad :k



I have noticed that most of the Neopets painted blue do not have hair / fur on their heads (for example, blue Zafaras and blue Tuskaninnies). This only happens when the Neopet is blue. Is this a glitch, or are blue Neopets supposed to be bald? ~marshy_mallow160

This is a glitch. We currently have one of our artists working to correct the issue. Thanks for the heads-up!


A little while ago there was a person in my guild whos shyoro's (soz that is spelt wrong) eyes dissapered, they came back after a little while though!


Milli: I've actually seen several pets who's eyes have disappeared (and I've seen even more on SunnyNeo because they had pictures of pets without eyes, lol).


My sister (who has an account on Neo) came shouting my name the other night because her uni's hair was missing. Then my kau's hair (which is on my sister's account) disappeared to. Her uni's hair is back now, and so is my kau's hair. Weird.


Oh my goodness I am so greatful for this site right now! I was going crazy trying to figure out a way to get my Wocky's neck fur back. I had painted her Christmas and bought some new clothes this morning. Right after that, *poof*, no neck fur. She looks like a cat with a really stretched out neck, the poor thing.


Hm, that's strange. Even though the NT Editorial only mentions blue pets, my Halloween Bori has no eyes.




The strange thing is, after I feed it, its eyes come back.


Painted pets are loesing thier eyes! Basic colored pets are lossing hair!


Looks like TNT has some really bad glitches in their backyard... to the bug report forms! :P


So that's why the bald wokcy I saw looked so strange...XD


This is both really interesting and HILARIOUS. XD While I'll say that it sucks a lot for people stuck with hairless rodent neopets, it's just so funny to see some of these XD




If you go to the rainbow pool you can see the pictures! By going to the all pet colors, my brother and I where looking at them...

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