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Advent Calendar & Welcome to December!


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advent08.gifgmc-new.gifWelcome to December, Neopians! December is the best month of all because we have the Advent Calendar and TDN's Advent Calendar 2008 Coverage where everyone gets free Neopets items and free Neopoints! If you want to view lists of old advent calendar prizes see our Advent Calendar Archives.


Also, don't forget today is the last day for the Games Master Challenge. All challenges must be complete today in order to get prizes and trophies. TDN's GMC Coverage has all of those secret game challenges and scores - so you don't have to figure them out!






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december... christmas.... I can't wait the ogrin day because my neopet is an ogrin. they give special items or something? and I hope they will put paintbrushes in the advent calendar :D and with slow steps we are going in 2009 :thumbsup:

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First Off, lovely December graphics you all. I'm sure V is the genius behind this lovely image?

I especially love the little advent icon, and how the background splits across the two images.


Secondly I finally finished the GMC, am I done with this now? Or is there like a "YAY! You Did Everything" Prize?

Besides awesome level 7 trophy that is! I am actually starting to get a half accomplished looking profile...

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Thanks for the GMC coverage :)


I'm all done now, I can go to work, hee hee


Can't wait for the other prizes in the Advent stuff... hopefully will get the sidebar this year too.


I received a random event the other day when I visited the Advent before it started. A Christmas paintbrush!!

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Hopefuly, I will get the site theme this year :) I had it on my previous account, so it shouldn't be too hard to get.


Thanks for the comments about the graphics :) I like the final look too. eheheh

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So any idea what happens to those of us who got our advent calendar prizes today while there was still a glitch? Because mine still aren't showing up anywhere, but it's still telling me that I've already collected my prize for the day. :(



You could try to clear your cache and visit it again... that's what is bad with glitch :k.

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TNT is so generous this year in giving Christmas paintbrush, I remember last year if I'm not wrong they show that you have gotten a baby paintbrush but then they take it away :grrr:

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Nope they showed that you received a Rod of Supernova (A powerful BD weapon) but below it said ".. and as you to go pick it up, the Pant Devil snatches it and flies away. Boo hiss."


I don't think I have ever gave away a baby paintbrush in the advent calender.


Paul, YOU gave away? Is that a typo or are you real-live TNT staff? That's like Leonardo DiCaprio or something! ;-)


The gave away snow chia pop or whatever it was that gave the pea chia super powers. THAT would be cool if they did that this year!


Happing collecting everyone.

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Seems to be another advent calendar glitch today. It's early, just after midnight Dec 14th, but I tried to collect, it gave me the movie, then said I had collected already. Nothing in the inventory so I will clear the cache and hope later today the glitch is fixed.


Good luck all today on your neopets gains and what-nots!


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December 14th Glitch has been fixed


However, people who already had collected their prizes earlier can't collect them again...


Our Advent Calendar Coverage has been updated.



But how does that work? I mean, we didn't get a prize. Are they going to give those people prizes who tried to get them during the glitch? Or is it just 'one of those things'?

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Darn. I'm tempted to use my side account to get the prizes, but I'm afraid it's not worth the risk of getting your main account frozen. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. I'm just thankful it's not an avatar or a site theme. It's already close to tomorrow so I doubt contacting TNT will help. *sigh*

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