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Hi! My name is Morgan, and I'm a moderator around here. :O Do you have name you would like us to address you as?


You're from the marching band field too? Yay! Now I'm not the only band geek here. :D


Be sure to read the rules, or no soup for you.

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-waves- Pleasure to meet you. Make sure to read the rules, Kaitlyn, and I'm sad to hear it's the last game, but congratulations on the win. I have no talent in any musical instrument, so I'll be sulking in the corner.

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~*~Welcome To These Here Forums TL3~*~


I was checking out your Neopet profile, and I absolutely love all of your layouts. Did you make those yourself?

If your into graphics there is a topic for that here at the forum you should check it out,

and I noticed you have a lab rat, there is a topic for her progress as well:

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Hola, Kaitlyn! My name is Laura. Welcome to the forums. :D


*looks at Morgan* I promised I wouldn't scare anyone this time.... soo... yep.


Not scaring anyone... at all....


I... I think I'll just leave now....

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Ya know what? I should see if we have a Kaitlyn in OUR band....



Oh, ummm... excuse a minute...


*walks away a bit*




*walks back in* Now, what was I saying?


Ah yes..... I forgot. :P

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*picks up a peanut* Hey Laura... I found your peanut... Ummm... You might want to clean it though, it don't look vert appetising anymore!


Welcome to TDN... I am Marianne *waves*

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