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Sorry it's three am, and I stupidly decided to click wheel of Monotony, I haven't used that blasted thing in like four years, I can't imagine what kept me away, anyways I digress-lol-


My name is Ohna, I'm 25 from BC Canada, the creator of Night Crawlers Inc on NP.com - I am a writer, and a bit of a nerd, I'm fun crazy and um interesting, thought after all these years of using the site I'd stop in and meet everyone.


Im not very active or won't be here, b/c I have so much to do with the guild, my music site ect, but I'll try my best.


See you on the flip





Welcome. -wave wave- I'll make sure to ask you if you are here for some math homework help.


Hi Onha and welcome to TDN Forums


I have created a guild too, and I know how much time it can take... If you happen to have any questions about TDN or anything Neopets, just ask and we will answer you. (And if you have answer to other people's questions, just answer too :P eheh)


Have a great time with us!


Hola Ohna! My name is Will. It's nice to see you here on TDNF. We have a really great community here :yes:


I know what you mean by how busy it is to manage a guild. I made one too, and man, is it a lot of work!


Oh, and another interesting fact, I've been to BC! My family and I traveled around Vancouver and to Victoria Island which was really cool.


Well, I hope you have a good time here. Have fun exploring the forums and remember to read the rules! And if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!


Will is a demon. He poisons the food. Watch out.


You can't trust EVERYONE with the food around here, but its quite a nice place once you get used to it...




Haha, hi. my name's Stephanie. Make sure you read the rules, and be sure to stick around a bit. We do appreciate some new members. ^_^


Thanks everyone, No um I don't need math homework help, but thank you.


BC Is great, I hope you got a chance to visit Gas Town, if not it's worth a second trip, thats the first part of Vancouver, the original Van City -lol-


Thank you everyone for the warm welcome, it's about five am here, so it's time to do the dailies, but I'll be kicking around through here and NPs. Have a good one,






Oh, anyone who's first word in their introduction is "mooooo" is welcome here. I do hope you think of coming here despite your busy schedule. You seem like you'd fit in here. :)


-lol- I try to get dailies done every day so I am trying to remember to stop in and say hello *Hey BJ -lol-* I might be busy but I can always say hi, sept today, cause today Im going to watch SummerSlam at the theater -WOOT- see you later kids.


Heya... I am Marianne *waves* Welcome to TDN!!! I am one of the members that lives in that littles island near Aussieland... Lols.... Or so some people like to call it!!! Really we are quite a civalised place!!!! Ummm... *pokes rules* Don't forget to read them... The staffers can bite sometimes... Although they never admit it ;)


^^^^^ Not true.... I was speculating to what you would happen to us if we got bit by a staffer.....

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