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whats up TDN ^_^

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ok im a dummy... ive spent i dont know how long trying to figure out why i couldnt post in the forums only to realise that you have to register for the forums separatley haha... i can be quite ditzy sometimes :* ...


so anyways, im heather ive been using TDN for a while now so im not exactly new new... i use this site for everything, so maybe you will be seeing me around a lot more now that i know i can actually post lol o_O

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Hey Heather!


Nice to meet you :)


I'm V, content director at TDN (so if you have any questions, feel free to poke me). I hope you will enjoy our forums and to see you around!

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Hello and welcome to TDN! :D I'm AA, the newbie content staffer here at TDN and also one of the forum regulars. You have seen us forum regulators haven't you? We're the gang that runs around making insane (but sometimes helpful) posts all over the forum. (:


Well, remember to read and follow the forum rules, respect the almighty moderators, etc. :yes: Most importantly, stick around and post! We're a tad lacking when it comes to active members, so we're always glad to have somebody new to talk to. Enjoy yourself!

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Hi! I'm Milli, I am *kinda* new here. I have been here a few weeks maybe... I hope you like being able to post :P

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~*~Welcome Heather~*~


I'm glad you finally figured out the registering thing,

now that your hear we can scare enjoy you.

I hope your up for being super active because we have lots

of pranks crafts prepared. Like this one with tar and feathers...

Care to join in? We were going to go visit some spammers 0:)

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Hey Heather! I'm Marisa. It took me a little while to figure out the account thing too!! :S

I am sadly not a staff member, as I am too young to have a job....but I'm one of those regulars who comes here everyday and posts randomly strange stuff all over!! Take a snack from the table please. Especially a muffin. *pokes snack table*

Hope you enjoy posting, and have a nice day.

*poke* :evo:

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mmm muffins lol.. i shall eat em all as im eating for 2 currently lol... hey thanks for all the replies!! oh and what this about tar and feathers lol i shall find out sounds interesting... but i hafta tell you i may be inactive for a few days having hubby issues and this one may take a while to deal with.... but i will try to be on here as mush as i can... havnt even been on neopets much :guiltysmiley: but anyways, i shall def find out about the atr and feather haha

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Welcome Heather!


My name's Stephanie. Well, as long as you're on TDNF that doesn't matter!

Its great that you've decided to join us and have fun!


Remember to read the rules, hang around the snack table, and pretty much go insane!!!!


Maybe avoid the last part

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