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Something mysterious happens to you and your pets... you are not sure what it is, however...

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Something mysterious happens to you and your pets... you are not sure what it is, however...


landed on secret item on the faerie wheel


whats this mean if anything?


After googling it a bit, I found out that most people think it makes your pets happier, which is pretty useless for me, since all of my pets are delighted all the time.


I googled about that too, but I found a different result. It says that if you get "Something mysterious happens to you and your pets... you are not sure what it is, however..." on the Wheel of Excitement and you feed your pet a Muntando Fruit, your pet gains 1-3 levels. It's not worth it though because Muntando Fruits are very expensive.


Here's what it says on TDN's battlepedia about the Muntando Fruit

Muntando Fruit [r110]

Single Use


This item can't be taken into the Battledome. If your pet eats it, chances are small that its HP will go up by 1 point.

This unusual fruit is only found in the highest mountains of Neopia. It is very rare and is highly prized on Mystery Island.

Can increase pet's stat(s)


I don't think the Muntando Fruit and the Wheel of Excitement thing are related.

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