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Very good, even if I can't recognize anyone else but the Halo dude on the left (I only know that because my brother plays Halo...xD), considering I'm not much of a gamer lol.

I love the shading and the detail of the drawing :)

10/10 for you ^_^

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*searches for fave button, only to find that this isn't dA* (seriously, I actually did that XD )


Man, you can draw! :bigeyed:

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haha, thanks! Yeah, I should consider making a deviantArt account.... maybe some day. :)


EDIT: I get a bit squeamish about having pictures floating around the internet for a longish period of time, so I'll be replacing the video game picture. Sorry about that folks... Instead, why not enjoy a nice puppy that I drew? (Info is on the first post)



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