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Am I a scammer?


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I recently purchased a Baby Paint Brush Plushie with all my money thinking it was an actual paint brush. Realizing this I quickly resold it on the TP saying "600K!!!!!!!!!! ONLY OPEN FOR FIVE MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!" and someone bought it for 400K. Soon after the person started neomailing me asking for their money back, claiming that they had just spent all their money and threatening to report me for scamming. I felt really bad so I went to their profile so that I could give them their money back. Seeing that they had the lab ray avatar and two 2 painted pets and that made me curious enough to look at their gallery. I then discovered that they had 21 rare and expensive items, most of which were paint brushes. So now I don't really want to give them their money back anymore because they lied to me! If I keep it does that make me a scammer? Will I get frozen like he says I will? What should I do?

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Very iffy here. You should probably do the trade back for your own safety. They could have spent all their money even if they had all that stuff, as some people spend as soon as they can.

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I am not sure whether your account will get frozen or not. But I do think it is mean to mislead someone into thinking that it was a baby paintbrush!

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TNT has stated if you're selling a paint brush plushie and asking for the price of a real paintbrush, it is considered scamming since you are fooling the buyer into thinking it was a real paint brush. You will also probably get frozen, I suggest giving the money back.

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I don't think that'd be fair though, because most of the plushies look different from the actually paint brush. And it kinda has the word "Plushie" after it. I mean it's their fault they didn't notice. And maybe you just wanted to sell it at that price.


Anyway, wouldn't that mean Infinity was scammed?

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Yeah infinity was just trying to not take a huge loss off of an accident...


The plushie looks very different from the actual brush, so unless what you put in your description was intentionally misleading (like calling

it a PB, or asking for other PB's in exchange) then I don't see how that person buying without paying attention is really your fault? The only

time I think it is fair to call that a scam is when people are selling plushie PB plushies, because that does get uber confusing.


People over sell items all the time looking for donations or as part of some guild thing. How could TNT possibly freeze her as a scammer? Still as

amazingly unfair as I think it would be for you to get frozen. It's too scary to take that chance. I would probably give the money back out of sheer

fear and paranoia...you can always trade it again, but time time make sure it's really obvious that it's not the actual PB...maybe even sob story

and explain what happened to you. Maybe a generous wealthy neopian will take it off your hands. Or if the people you bought it from were

intentionally misleading then you could go call them scammers, and get them to give you your money back...

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I'm sorry you got fooled at first. Must be horrid :(


I'd probably give the money back and try to resell the plushie on auctions or tp (not asking for anything).


Better luck next time...

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when i first started on neopets, i almost got caught by this scam (not saying you are a scammer). this is a frequently used "scam". the current way is to put it on the trading post and have a wishlist like "hurry, lowest on TP, pure, first offer taken". the actual scammer will have multiples of this trade out there. i like to look up the real price of the plushie on super shop wiz and then offer it. when they reject me, it is easy to see what they are doing (also the hint that their account is only three days old).


if you haven't been frozen yet, you won't be.

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