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Yeah, the snowy alert's been up for a long time, and yet snowy's still snoozing.

It's the first time this has happened to me for the alert, is it just my PC?


Check the Shoutbox. This is another error due to the move.


Things never go off hitch-free, I'm afraid. It will be fixed soon, however.


I'll leave this topic open as a general bug list. So, if anyone else finds any other bugs, post them here, rather than starting a new topic.


Ok, thanks Matt, I'll keep checking back. :)

MODERATOR EDIT: Please make sure your posts have 4+ words.

Sorry Matt, make sure to in future, fixed it. :)


My snowager alert has been on for 15 hours


Now snowy is asleep and there is no alert!!!!!!


Everything is switched around :eh:


Um,it's currently active at the top of the Shutbox,and the Snowager ain't even Sleeping...this is a biiiig problem...


Come to think of it, the Turmy alert hasn't been up for a while. Either no one has been setting it off lately or it's broken too. I think it's the first though.


Or no-one has the guts to in fear of repercussions,or a certain message spammed on the Shoutbox.


The turmy alert went down when Tipem moved servers (The first time it went down.). It's been down since then, and no one has been able to set an alert, unfortunately.


Also, the Snowager alert was incorrect earlier also, showing the problem STILL hasn't been fixed.


Hrmph. :P


:( It's so sad, BTW Snowager is asleep at the mo' for anyone that wants to know :P


I am relying on another website for the Turmy and Snowager alerts at the moment so I don't miss them.


Yep. I've been using that website to find out when they're sleeping and awake and stuff. (500th post!)


It's handy to keep a track of all your avvies. Thanks for the congrats, anway I hope the alerts are fixed soon.


*cough* Tipem doesn't like the discussion of other Neopets sites on here. The odd mention is fine, I think, but not when you discuss it. So... shut it. :P


On the other hand, it would probably be better if you learnt the Snowager times for now, or have a list you can quickly refer to.


Whoops soz Matt. I have the times memorised but for Australia. Before School, After school and at late night. It's just the Turmy alert i have to keep an eye.


It's alright. It might be in the rules, and it might not. I'll have to check, but I know he frowns upon it.


Ouch. I think the times are the same in NST as they are in BST, just the one at 2pm is at 10pm, or whatever. :S


Alright Mtt, i thought those rules might apply, i'll let delia know. Alerts in Australia are as follows: 7-8am, 3-4 pm and 11-12 pm. I can usually get at least 2 of those dependiing on the day.


Ok then, you're 2 hrs after one of our alerts then. Just to let ppl know, the snowager is sleeping now :P I can't go and get anything because my school blocked the website. :( (Happy B'day confuciousnz)

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