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"NOTICE: Neopets will have a new login page starting Thursday Oct 2nd."


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This notice was in the news today:

NOTICE: Neopets will have a new login page starting Thursday Oct 2nd.


Any idea what it'll look like? I'm guessing it has something to do with more security, but the "Active Pet" thing is still a lot more secure than it was several years ago, when I first started playing neopets.

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Hmm... they'll probably modify the page so that it's more 'in' with the site's current theme (with the neat boxes and everything). And of course, there's always the possibility that they'll put extra ads on it. <_<

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I personally don't really like the new login page. It was better before, where it was less colored and everything.


it would be easier haha but why would it be less secure? isn't it kinda the same thing?


It would be less secure because they show you your active Neopet so that you know you're singing into Neopets. Otherwise, someone could duplicate the page and you'd never know the difference if you didn't check your address bar.

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Well it certainly looks spiffy doesn’t it, I’m quite liking the blueness of it all, plus it's always reassuring to know that TNT are thinking about security and all that

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It's a bit on the shiny side for me, but overall I think it fits in with the site quite well. :yes:

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I just felt that its more well designed than the previous one because previous one does not do any designing at all to the page...

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I personally don't really like the new login page. It was better before, where it was less colored and everything.




It would be less secure because they show you your active Neopet so that you know you're singing into Neopets. Otherwise, someone could duplicate the page and you'd never know the difference if you didn't check your address bar.



ooh yes i thought of that a few mins after i posted that haha.

well its all good since it's exactly the same, just diff looking :P

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