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Hmm... where do I start?


My real name is Ariel (yes like the mermaid) and I'm new to the tDN forums but not tDN, Neopets or forums in general.


I've been using tDN dailies since 2 years prior and have been playing Neopets for about 8 years (my current account is new).


Favourite Neopets to-do list

~ NeoQuest I

~ NeoQuest II

~ Faerie Bubbles (still nowhere near the 2000 needed for the avatar though, but then again I don't use the cheats)

~ Hasee Bounce

~ the old Carnival of Terror

~ the old Ultimate Bullseye

~ Pterattack (too bad it's gone now)

~ Avatar-collecting (I'm an avid collector)


Random Neopets-related stuff about me

~ I've won the Jackpot for Scorchio Slots once :D

~ I've a modest amount of money from games (aiming for 2 million by the end of this year)

~ I've the full set of Petpet Lab maps but not the Secret Lab map sigh

~ I love Lupes, and I refuse to get another permanent pet or use any morphing potions on it (thus the secret lab map is useless anyway). However, a Rainbow Faerie Quest or a paintbrush will not be rejected.


I can say that my account(s) has never been frozen before, I currently only own 1 account, and I've never used a game cheat before.


Can anyone give an estimate of how many posts and how long should I be active in order to have a higher chance of applying for avatar-lending? I will admit freely that the only reason why I joined is because I just discovered the avatar-lending system. I'm willing to post, help out for any guides or if anyone has questions, and wait for years if it means I can be accepted into the program.


Thank you! :)


Hello Ariel and welcome to TDN forums :)


I don't know exactly what are the algorythms used for the avatar lending program, but being an active and known member surely helps! :)


My favorite things to do on Neopets now include NQ too XD yay! I'm not the only insane one around... well, that was a bit given since this is TDN forums... insanity is everywhere!


Welcome Ariel!


:O Aiming of 2mil...I guess I'm a far cry in comparison with your goal...however i am saving up for the lab ray as well thus also already completed the useless petpet lab map so....good luck on your aim to success!

Anyway, my name's Stephanie and I hope you'll have a great deal to do with TDN. We do appreciate active posters and yeah. Read the rules to get a rough idea on where you should be at to avoid the moderator's warnings..


Hi everyone,


Thanks a lot for the warm welcome!


Stephanie, I currently have 1.8 million gp, but then again I've been playing for around 8 years or more (can't really remember). So, my goal of 2 milion isn't that far away actually :)


No problem about the rules, they're basically the same as what I normally do. I don't spam, I don't flame, I can't even read Internet slang much less write it, and I love helping out.


Thanks again for the welcome!


Hi Ariel!


I'm Strategos. I just read your description of yourself, and I want to make sure you know this: Cheats that are typed into the games on Neopets, like nopopups in Advert Attack are actually legal on Neopets. It's autoplayers that aren't. You can find a full list of legal cheats at http://www.thedailyneopets.com/neopets-gam...e-cheats-codes/ .


Now, about the Avatar Lending Program. They're happy to lend to anyone with full collateral, but the more posts you make and the more active you are on TDN, the less collateral they'll ask from you.


P.S. Mind taking that survey in my signature? Thanks.


Hi Strategos,


Yes, I'm perfectly aware that cheats are legal (and implemented on purpose) on Neopet games. However, I really don't like cheating in any form, so I don't use them. Makes getting the game avatars really difficult though :)


So you're saying that as long as I have enough money for collateral, I can actually start applying for the avatar-lending now instead of needing to wait for months (or 400 posts) before doing so?

So you're saying that as long as I have enough money for collateral, I can actually start applying for the avatar-lending now instead of needing to wait for months (or 400 posts) before doing so?

That's correct. :yes: But you should be active anyway - we need more active members. :P


So, welcome to the forums! In case you don't know already, the snack table's over on your left - go grab as much junk food as you like! ;)


"Er, sorry? I don't get this. "


It's an imaginary snack table we welcome new people too. :P


Anyway, welcome to TDN! I'm Katy, it's nice to meet you. ^^


Hey Ariel, welcome to the forums.

Your neopets to do list is a little like mine.

I just finished Neoquest 2, it took FOREVER. I did a little bit at a time. It took me about a month to complete. My next to do is Neoquest 1, to compete it and get the 'wise and powerful' avatar.

Faerie bubbles it way too annoying lol, when I can be bothered I might practice and try get that avatar!


Good luck with it all hehe, see you around :)


Hi Katy and Jessy,


Thanks for the welcome! I'm now on my second NQII Normal run (Haunted Woods), trying to get Velm's Battledome item. I'll probably switch to Evil next though. My Faerie Bubbles hiscore is right now 1055, without using cheats. Are there easier game avatars?


I try to be online, but there's so little activity that I can't do much. I love helping out, but if no one's asking questions in the help forum then I can't do anything. Ask my own questions I guess?

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