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the ctrl-v game

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Ahaha, I believe I was ranting to my friend about this guy we knew in middle school and how he's turned out to be even cooler than before. And then of course I had to tell other people.


(Begin paste)

<b> & <i> vs. <strong> & <em>


There's often confusion on when to use these tags, since they have the same respective visual effects (in fact, it tends to spark hot debates among said confused parties). When deciding whether to use <b> or <strong> and <i> or <em>, it's important to consider their underlying meanings.


<b> and <i> mean 'bold' and 'italic', nothing more, nothing less. They're purely presentational elements, so they should be used when the intention is to change the way text looks, but nothing else.



<b>Really Minor Heading</b>

<p>Here we have some paragraph text.</p>

<p><b>Note:</b> Some information that should be noted.</p>

<div class="center"><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://the.image.url/img.gif" alt="Map of level 1" />
<br /><i>A caption for the image</i></div>


On the other hand, <strong> and <em> mean 'strong emphasis' and 'emphasis'. They should be used when the text has actual semantic emphasis. Basically, if parts of your text have emphasis when you read them out loud, then use these tags.


This is important for accessibility: screen reader software uses <strong> and <em> to figure out the tone of the text it's reading.



<p>It is <strong>very important</strong> that you do this! Otherwise, you'll lose very quickly later on.</p>

<p>You don't <em>need</em> to get this item, but it's very helpful!</p>


Image Naming


The current image naming convention calls for names with this pattern:




This can, however, get rather confusing when dealing with lots of images or articles you're unfamiliar with. So I'd like to propose allowing for an (optional) extra descriptive suffix on image names. Something along these lines would be helpful:




Use of 'Note:' and 'Important:' (also 'Warning:')


Lots of us (myself included) use code like this a lot:

<p><b>Important:</b> Something important to say.</p>
<p><b>Note:</b> Something to say.</p>


Which is all very well and very convenient. However, some of us (mainly myself :P ) have a tendency to use this haphazardly and without much consideration of what it's supposed to mean. So I propose the following standard definitions for notes.


Note: A note is a tip or shortcut or alternative approach to the task at hand. Ignoring a note should have no negative consequences, but you might miss out on a trick that makes your life easier.


Important: This details things that are easily missed, but could have negative consequences in the future. Ignoring these things won't cause catastrophic damage (e.g. a frozen account) but may cause irritation and frustration.


Warning: A warning should not be ignored. Ignoring warnings will most likely cause catastrophic damage to your account, or completely waste a huge amount of effort.


Credit for these definitions goes to the Fedora Project (CC-BY-SA 3.0).


That's about all I think. xD

(End paste)


^ Uh... yeah. Proposing TDN coding standards and conventions. :P




my favorite christmas movie?

favorite christmas song?

favorite christmas character?

favorite christmas decoration?



Ahaha, I'm asking all my friends because at work we have to know all our favorites so we can do this guessing game and guess who people are by their favorites or something.... I didn't explain that well at all.




Dots. For some. Reason. o_O


(Ahaha, the dots are because that's what you always say on the 'last post wins' thread and I bet you lost count so you started copying and pasting.

Or that's my guess, anyways.)


*ctrl-v* www.givesmehope.com


I just shared that site with my friend. And I'm crying. Haha.










I think this is a bannedstory code my cousin sent me.

I'm on her computerr, not mine.

But still, wtf?

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