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Newest Petpet Park Plot Step!


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With today's news update we had a pleasant surprise - the latest Petpet Park plot step. We're working on solving the step and a guide should be up momentarily. Check back often for updates.


Short Answers: Cheese, Insult, Jig, Toothpick, Hostile

Please note that these answers are not the exact wording. For exact working, check out our Mission 4 Guide.



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I swear it is way too easy!!! I think they need to come up with something a little harder, but not as hard as cracking the codes on ROS plot!!! BLAH!!! I didn't get past that one.

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I had myself a good laugh over some of the options, but yes, it does seem like its becoming easier and easier. Perhaps by the last mission there will only be a big red button to push and nothing else.

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I had myself a good laugh over some of the options, but yes, it does seem like its becoming easier and easier. Perhaps by the last mission there will only be a big red button to push and nothing else.


:laughingsmiley: That would really be funny! Well, when the plot ends we will get to explore the Petpet Park itself. That might be interesting... what do you think?

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What the heck? Hey Howling_torment, long time no see. Since when do you go on TDN and Dragon cave though?


Well now back to the topic, I hope that the last level will be a BD battle. I'm training my Xweetok for something like that.

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Once I got the right answers, it was so dang easy. But the choices were pretty funny/stupid. I kept guessing, and I aced it. Wierd, right?



Click my av38.gif !


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Does anyone have any way to get a screenie of the page where the option is 'put on swimsuits', or at least the main image on the page?

I believe it involves fire. XD I just need it for something funny.

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*lol* Thanks!


EDIT: Sorry! D; Forgot about that!








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The first time I saw that image, I just about died laughing. Then I eventually made a Neopet that would go along with it when a certain NC mall bathing suit was created.




So all I really did was open paint, erase everything but sloth himself from the sloth image with the eraser, and I pasted him into the picture. Then I edited the picture a little bit so that there wouldn't be white specks all around sloth. XD Since he came from a lighter picture, this took a while though... xDDD

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Pretty amusing plot step, but waaaay too easy for me. :P


@Sugar Gar: Now I know what people mean when they say ROFL! :laughingsmiley:

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The sloth bathing suit moehog may be the best pet I have ever seen on neopets!

Please tell me you enter that guy into the BC and Spotlight...


And I agree with rdreader, I hope this is staling.

Not because I'm not enjoying the mindless fun of this plot,

but because I would just love to see a full scale plot again!


As far as it being easy is concerned, we have already established

that they can't give us any prize worth having for this plot,

so I think they are making it easy so people

don't get pissed about doing all that work for nothing.

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Entered in the spotlight with no luck... I should enter into the bc though. :D The fun I would have with that...


We need a war or something with sides and a lot of battledome. D; They generally have better plotlines and activities.

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This step is truly hilarious, honestly jamming a toothpick into that poor neopets eye, I laughed so hard as I truly did not expect anything like that.

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