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Anyone else scared?...

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ok who else is scared of this large hadron collider my dad says the odds of that thing making a black hole that will eat the earth are billions and billions to one,but im still a bit worried.The guy doing the calculations for it is 89 year old steven hawkins by the way whoever doesnt know what the large hadron collider is,well heres your answer.The large hadron collider(LHC) is a machine with two big arched 17 mile long tunnels with something joining them and scientists are using this machine to see how the universe was created(i.e. they are gonna send molecules flying through each tunnel and see what happens when they collide,which risks creating a black hole that will eat the world,but again,my dad says the chances of that are billions to one.Anyone else want to join the i-am-worried fan club?...






PS sorry,im already head of the council in this club.Plz reply-i dont wanna be the only one scared... :worried:


Basically they were testing the big bang theory. I don't know enough about it to really comment. But I sure would like to hear AA's explaination on this...


Don't worry about it. You've no reason to be scared. With odds billions to one, you know how little those chances are? It would be easier to worry about being struck by lightning twice in a row in broad daylight. The world is big, it's silly to worry about things at all, even if it seems really bad.


I am really curious about the results of this. There is no need to be afraid. If there is any danger of world destruction, it would be in 2012.


"There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened."

-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


To be quite frank, I really doubt there is anything to be worried about. With a chance of billions to one, we are probably safe and sound for the time being. I saw a rather humorous video earlier about this event, but it contains crude language and is otherwise inappropriate to show here. :P

And that 2012 calendar mumbo jumbo is pretty silly to me.


((Sorry to drag the topic a bit off topic but... this does relate to the apocalypse just like the Hadron Collider.))


December 21, 2012 is the last date on the Mayan calendar and is said to be the end of the world.

December 21, 2012 is also the day a computer program known for scowering the internet for information, the Web Bot Project, said something horrible would happen. This program is said to predict changes in the stock market as well as even disasters. It even predicted something bad would happen in September of 2001, in June 2001. The Web Bot Project warns that a "worldwide calamity" is in store for 2012.

December 21, 2012 is the date when our planet crosses the galactic equator.

2012 is the year computer models predict the poles will shift, north becoming south and vice verse.

These cannot just be coincidences.


Back to the topic at hand. One in a billion chance is enough to breath easy. Honestly, they should not have even said anything about a black hole. They just senselessly scared people who had no clue what was going on or what they were even testing.


i know this sounds weird but it creating a black hole would be intesting. i cant wat to look at the reports and data that comes out of the experments


Let me calm you down a bit. If the LHC makes black holes, which it will ONLY do if a certain theory is true, it still wouldn't matter very much. Radiation will cause the black holes to dissipate instantly. If by some unlikely circumstance that they do not dissipate, most would leave the surface of this Earth, and cause no harm to you, unless you happen to be living directly over the LHC (or by small chance, on the exact opposite side of the world). It is therefore impossible for a LHC black hole to destroy the Earth.


Also: Black holes do not have a vacuum effect, as is believed by those whom watch Hollywood. They only attract things through the traditional concept of gravity. For those of you whom haven't heard of gravity, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity


I also believe we shouldn't be afraid; however, the reason they say Earth won't be destroyed by the black holes is because, the black holes will dissapear in less than a second. Thing is there is always the possibility of Earth's destruction, whether it is by this machine, an asteroid, etc. What I'm scared of is the fact that we humans seem to forget that 9 billion was spent on this project. We could've had a cure for cancer or aids now. People are dying and we're spending billions on some science project? We lived for millions of years without knowing how the Universe was started. Couldn't we have waited more? Is this really necessary at this point? It just makes me mad that people walk and organize fundraisers, recycle, etc in order to earn enough money to help others. Yet, we're letting scientists spend 9 BILLION on curiosity? I mean sure we all want to know if there are other dimensions, but you have to keep in mind that the whole project could fail and maybe they won't even find an answer. We keep complaining about the war, security, illnesses, economy in general, yet we support these people into spending billions on something we could've waited a little longer? Imagine the slap on the face of those people who are suffering an uncure illness, such as cancer. If you had it or if I had it, I sure would be angry that I could've had a chance to live longer if it wasn't for some science project. Science and technology grow each year, but lives end every minute.


I waited in school for the moment which was yesterday, waiting for something to explode, for a black hole or something.. Thank god nothing happened, but today I heard that yesterday they made only a little one way explosion. In the next week or so there is going to be the big one!

I waited in school for the moment which was yesterday, waiting for something to explode, for a black hole or something.. Thank god nothing happened, but today I heard that yesterday they made only a little one way explosion. In the next week or so there is going to be the big one!



I read today they made it go clockwise so I believe it is tomorrow when they're going to do it counterclockwise and if that is a success, then in a few weeks the real collision happens. That's what they're worried about. You know I personally don't think it's going to create a huge black hole, but we're playing with the unknown so you never know what could actually happen. They say the chances of nothing happening is pretty much a 99%, but that 1% of probability that something bad could happen is good enough. Anyone know how long is it going to take to finish this project?

I am really curious about the results of this. There is no need to be afraid. If there is any danger of world destruction, it would be in 2012.


Then that means im only gonna live till im thirteen by the way i forgot to mention steven hawkins actually half wants to create a black hole so he can get a nobel prize


Okay, just to be frank: the LHC cannot destroy the Earth by creating a black hole. Why? Because particle collisions far more powerful than the LHC could ever generate occur all the time in the Earth's atmosphere. If the LHC's particle collisions could create a world-destroying black hole, then we'd all have died long ago because the atmospheric collisions would have done the same.


by the way i forgot to mention steven hawkins actually half wants to create a black hole so he can get a nobel prize

To clarify: he was joking that if the LHC did create a black hole that displayed the characteristics he theorized about (including evaporating and leaving a distinct particle pattern) then he would have to get a nobel prize. :yes:

((Sorry to drag the topic a bit off topic but... this does relate to the apocalypse just like the Hadron Collider.))


December 21, 2012 is the last date on the Mayan calendar and is said to be the end of the world.

December 21, 2012 is also the day a computer program known for scowering the internet for information, the Web Bot Project, said something horrible would happen. This program is said to predict changes in the stock market as well as even disasters. It even predicted something bad would happen in September of 2001, in June 2001. The Web Bot Project warns that a "worldwide calamity" is in store for 2012.

December 21, 2012 is the date when our planet crosses the galactic equator.

2012 is the year computer models predict the poles will shift, north becoming south and vice verse.

These cannot just be coincidences.


Back to the topic at hand. One in a billion chance is enough to breath easy. Honestly, they should not have even said anything about a black hole. They just senselessly scared people who had no clue what was going on or what they were even testing.


I quote, "And that 2012 calendar mumbo jumbo is pretty silly to me."

Besides, Levy, a meaningless calender should NOT have gotten everyone worked up.

Don't think it is meaningless? I apologize, but I do. Don't try to persuade me otherwise.


That LHC stuff is just nuts.

People are looking for a way to create worldwide panic.

What I'm scared of is the fact that we humans seem to forget that 9 billion was spent on this project. We could've had a cure for cancer or aids now. People are dying and we're spending billions on some science project? We lived for millions of years without knowing how the Universe was started. Couldn't we have waited more? Is this really necessary at this point? It just makes me mad that people walk and organize fundraisers, recycle, etc in order to earn enough money to help others. Yet, we're letting scientists spend 9 BILLION on curiosity? I mean sure we all want to know if there are other dimensions, but you have to keep in mind that the whole project could fail and maybe they won't even find an answer. We keep complaining about the war, security, illnesses, economy in general, yet we support these people into spending billions on something we could've waited a little longer? Imagine the slap on the face of those people who are suffering an uncure illness, such as cancer. If you had it or if I had it, I sure would be angry that I could've had a chance to live longer if it wasn't for some science project. Science and technology grow each year, but lives end every minute.


To be honest with you most people did not know this was happening until it became televised (which was not that long ago) let alone how much it has cost! I also find it absolutely rediculous that it has cost so much money, but I do not think that we have to worry about it destroying the world. I also don't think the world is going to end in 2012, I guess something might happen but I don't think we will all disappear from existence!


Well, i hear everyone saying that these components are CONSTANTLY colliding in space, right above us. And if a black hole was made in space right outside our apnosphere (sp?), then we would already be gone.


As for the myan calender...I think it's silly. The myans didn't calculate beyond 2012 is because that was hundreds of years in the future.

Do we make "cute puppies" calenders for 2812? No...We don't calculate when there will be a full moon in 2812.

Plus, we don't know alot about the myans, like what they're scientific beliefs were... They could have thought the moon was a star...

or the stars were camp fires and we were actually on the inside of the earth. As for what we think they believe,

They also predicted when they would be overrun by foriegners.

The sun has already been in this "apocolypse" position more than 100,000 times already.

Well, i hear everyone saying that these components are CONSTANTLY colliding in space, right above us. And if a black hole was made in space right outside our apnosphere (sp?), then we would already be gone.


No, not really. These are not the result of two colliding planets, they're the result of colliding atoms. Radiation would cause the black hole to disappear before it could destroy us. As well, black holes don't function that well because space is empty, holding not even air. There is nothing to turn into more "black hole".

December 21, 2012 is the last date on the Mayan calendar and is said to be the end of the world.

December 21, 2012 is also the day a computer program known for scowering the internet for information, the Web Bot Project, said something horrible would happen. This program is said to predict changes in the stock market as well as even disasters. It even predicted something bad would happen in September of 2001, in June 2001. The Web Bot Project warns that a "worldwide calamity" is in store for 2012.

December 21, 2012 is the date when our planet crosses the galactic equator.

2012 is the year computer models predict the poles will shift, north becoming south and vice verse.

These cannot just be coincidences.


Think about this...

The computer program probably searches sites for information about bad things that might happen. It's very likely that the terrorists that had communicated through the Internet, and the Web Bot Project just happened to pick up on it. Now, people are thinking about the Mayan calendar and are writing on sites about how they think the world will end. It picks up on that, and makes it's prediction.


And, the Mayans were known for their astronomy. They were known as some of the best astrologists ever. It could be that they knew that at that time the planet would cross the galactic equator, which is a big event, and assumed it could mean the end of the world.


And it's possible that the crossing galactic equator is connected to the poles shifting.


Sorry, this is a bit off-topic, but I felt like I had to address this. I just want to say that I don't think the world will end, whether it's soon because of the LHC


Also, keep in mind that this is a Freshman who probably has no idea what he's talking about at certain points, and makes a lot of assumptions, but I really think we don't have to worry about the end of the world just yet. It's not going to happen that soon.


And it would suck if the world ended on 2012. That's the year I graduate lol.


I think the mayan predicted that in 2012, like levy said the poles will shift, not that the world will end.




They got sick of writing a calendar, I mean, if you were back then, would you want to write a calender to year 99999 :P They just decided to stop at 2012 and let another generation carry (which they didn't) though world ending or not, this shall be interesting to see :P


xD That's hilarious.


But if the odds are billions to one, there's nothing to worry about. That black hole theory is just another scare tactic.


And the 2012 stuff is just hype.

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