rachiee Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Hi, I have a suggestion for the locking topics method...if you have one xD Anyway, I noticed that some topics over 2 weeks (maybe some over 1 month o.o') old are still open, and there is a rule against posting in topics older than 2 weeks old. I want a locking system like after x amount of weeks/days a topic gets locked. Thank you ^_^
LadySussudio Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 That would be very handy - when I first joined I had to count in my head (something I'm not very good at! ^_^ ) how long it had been since that last post and the current date that the day was to see if it was over the two weeks. And if I can add - maybe leave (at least some) topics open for a little longer? There were a few topics from before I would have loved to have replied to either with a question or comment, but I couldn't since it had just been over the two weeks.
antiaircraft Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Well in an older version of the forum rules, it used to say that it was okay to post in a topic that had been inactive for more than 2 weeks only if your post contributed significantly to the conversation in that topic. Also, there are some topics that have reasons for remaining open after more than 14 days of inactivity. :yes: This isn't my field though, so I'll leave the rest for a moderator to clarify.
Ruto Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 The general rule is that it's okay to post on a topic that has been inactive slightly more than 14 days only if you add something valuable to the conversation. Saying something such as "I agree" or "That's cool" is not valuable, and will end up closing the topic. Boards that haven't been posted on for, say, 17 or 18 days is okay to post as long as your post contributes something. But once it reaches 25 or 30, it would be wise not to post there. ;)
m3l3ana Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 ^^^^ YAY!!! That's what I thought the rule was :D Sometimes some topics I don't get to see until they are a little over 14 days!
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