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Unreleased Cheerlub Colors!


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Strange petpet... they remind me of the cross of a fish and a mouse-no, i'm serious. Of course the spotted one looks like its from Tyrannia but maybe if I know the original design/colour of the petpet I'll know where it comes from hopefully, not that I'm urging to know.

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A very strange little guy, but I like how his hair gives him sort of a Sloth feel...


I'd never seen it before either, so I went and looked him up.

He's is originally yellow, and available at the rock pool on Mystery Island which,

as I'm sure you know, is where they sell rejected Maraquan petpets...

So that explains some of the confusion as to where he is from.


"A lively, jolly little creature that loves to play. Cheerlubs

make high pitched meeeba meeb noises when extremely happy."

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:P that petpet looks so cute it is weird in a good way!

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