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Hey, I'm 14, but you're right it doesn't hurt to plan ahead.


I'm Laura, and I'm a spaz. I'm claustrophobic, I talk to myself and the voices in my head, and I luff Edward Cullen.


Don't tell them about us, we warned you....

*mutters* Oh shut up.


Follow the rules blah blah blah, ask questions blah blah blah, don't be afraid of us, we don't bite.... much.

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My name's Stephanie. yeah, being young doesn't mean you can't plan ahead. I mean I'm only 12 and I'm planning ahead- to collecting avatars for the boards XD. Anyway have fun on the forums and plan as much as you like as long as you don't bother the 'upper classers'.

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It represents two ones. That's funny. xP


Welcome to the forums, my name is Morgan, and remember to read the rules and to not let the insane members get to you! ;o

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No need to be so sensitve... its just something to make the member more welcome. But anyway have fun on the forums. Sorry for the misunderstanding... eleven? what's that got to do with anything?!


I wasn't being sensitive. That's me just being me, a goofball. I figure, start off showing all the new members how I am right from teh start and don't hide anything. That way people won't be all like, "Ehmigawsh! I thought you were all different!!1!1!!!1!@!!!"

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That's because I eat spammers for breakfast. ^_^


And Mia, you are completely different. I'm sure newbies are just thrilled to see you. =P

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That's because I eat spammers for breakfast. ^_^


And Mia, you are completely different. I'm sure newbies are just thrilled to see you. =P

I couldn't agree more with both of the statements in this post. :P


In any case, welcome to the forums carlardell! :D *official handshake thingy* Don't mind the insane ramblings of the members here - it's pretty normal on TDN. Just dodge the flying pies and you'll do fine. (: Well I guess there's not much more to say by way of introduction, so feel free to join us on a few topics and get to know your way around! :yes:

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