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Hi, I'm new!

Andrew H.

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Mmhmm... Have fun. That's what they tell them.. but it never works... oh no. If they only knew... *turns around*


Oooohh.... whoops. Ummm...HI! Have fun and stuff like that..... uh yeah, just ignore me and mutterings. Ya know, I, I'm.. I'm just, just a little crazy... so uh if you ignore me, you'll be better off. Kthxbai :D


Mmmm.. I'm Laura. I'm a tad schzophrenic at times. All the other times I'm just plain crazy. I'm half good, half evil, 100% not there. :D


Follow the rules, and ask questions. Don't be afraid... we don't bite here.... much.


That's how they ALWAYS go. They break a rule, one of us goes berserk and then... well... We're having trouble cleaning up now. It just gets harder and harder to cover up. Everyone here is going mad. You'll get it too. Pretty soon there'll be no one left to cover-up. Then what? We expose ourselves? THAT WON'T HAPPEN!


What? You're still here? Shoo, go away! Quit looking at me like I'm mad.




...I can't help it.. We're all mad here... *evil grin*

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Yea you did tell me to stop. But when have I been one for rules?


OH NOES! If I don't follow the rules does that mean I'll be bitten?!?! NUUUUUU!!!


See what happens when you don't follow the rules? You get bitten. Or go crazy for trying extrememly superbly hard to follow them.


"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villian."


But yes. All apologies if you were at all scared by me. But I swear it's not my fault....


"I swear officer I was just holding it some guy..."

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Hi! I am new here too!


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