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Due to a recent attack of angry guests on our news forum, we have disallowed all guests from posting comments on our news topics. If you'd like to post on the forums, please Register and become a part of our community today! b) Unfortunately a couple of rotten apples spoils it for all... sorry. :(




Aha! I knew it would never last. It was only a matter of time. ^_^


It would appear so, Levy.

It's real unfortunate though. A few bad eggs spoil the fun.

Ah well, hopefully this will be a lesson to all. Please be respectful.


Yes, it's really too bad that a few guests can spoil the whole TDN experience for over 1000 visitors. :( This action is reasonable, however, some "select" guests have been extremely vicious as of late.


Maybe this restriction will be lifted someday. Who knows? :yes:


Well I guess this is the price we pay for freedom on the internet... there'll always be a few people out there who can't keep themselves in check. :sad01_anim:


Still, there's a bright side to this - more members! :P


Hehe... I was just thinking the same thing AA. I was wondering when it would happen though, it is not the first lot of attacks from guests. I suppose that is just the way the cookie crumbles, huh?


Well it is probably a wise choice Ian!! I always found guests posts to be rather ... messy!


I knew this would happen. :(


Some guests just can't control themselves, and that ruins it for the good ones.


But I suppose those that really want to contribute can become active members.


...Wow, this is a mixed bag for me. xD


I don't think this is such a bad thing either. Any guests that take the time to make meaningful posts shouldn't mind taking another 30 seconds to register. Hopefully this will only weed out the few bad ones :)

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