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I think you need patience and to try to click at different interval. (Wait a little less or a little more than what you did previously). Take pauses during your tries. If you screw 1 step, it won't work. Focus!

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If you mess up you need to start over- that petpet is so picky. :grrr:

Wait for a new minute then refresh and see what the petpet needs and do it. Make sure to only refresh once and only do what it says once a minute.

Good luck! :)

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I know just how you feel!! This has been happening to me too... I guess we have to keep trying!! Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm also having a REALLY hard time, I've been to four guides, and I've followed them to the letter, but it still won't work. Why can't you just

1. Stab it and wait for the Grarrl (i think) to come.

or 2. Find a wild HEALTHY petpet, then you wouldn't have to waste hours of yor life taking care of a stupid petpet!

Anyways, yeah, help would be nice.

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The trick is experimentation. Since different people have different internet connection speeds, you might actually have to try checking in on the petpet shortly before/after the 60-second mark. It's irritating and extremely time-consuming, I know, but unfortunately there's no other way to do it. :(

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Well there's a very small error margin, but yeah - you need to be on the spot ten times in a row.

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