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Neopets Or Webkinz


Neo Or Webkinz  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like neopets or webkinz beter?

    • Neopets
    • Webknz
    • Other
    • It's all just plain stupid

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Who likes Neopets...


Webkins All The Way! :king:


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I personally prefer neopets as most here will o_O But out of curiosity does anyone like that kiddy site? :weird:


I love NeoPets too much to give in to that other site. I might buy a Webkin because they have a siamese cat that is really cute. I like siamese cats.

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Webkinz is for WAY younger people than neopets is. We have Webkinz, not many but a few. I got them for my daughter, she's not yet old enough to play but she's much closer to being able to play Webkinz than Neopets. As a mother, Webkinz is much safer as you can't really talk to anyone, just the prewritten messages they have (which are totally dorky) so I'd much rather have my daughter playing that at first. At least till I can drill internet safety into her head.


I prefer Neopets, much more to do for someone my age! And it is just better with games and such as well. Webkinz you are FORCED to buy the plushies in order to play, you don't have to do that for Neopets.

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Wow, my opinion is going to be waaaay different than any of your opinions here, so watch out. :P


Okay, I chose "other". Only because I'm a.) not really all that much into Neo anymore (Yet I still play neo), b.) I am into other pet sites (besides Neo) like Subeta (I do play Subeta, and find it more interesting than Neo at this age).


I didn't choose Neopets because again, I'm not much into Neo that much. I still play, that's the ironic part. And Webkinz...it's way too kiddy for me :P

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I looked at Webkinz once. It just didn't seem to have the breadth and depth that Neopets has. I like having more to do. Besides, I've already invested emotion and time into Neopets and I'm still enjoying it. :)

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Web As a mother, Webkinz is much safer as you can't really talk to anyone, just the prewritten messages they have (which are totally dorky) so I'd much rather have my daughter playing that at first.



My sister tells me that you were able to type your own messages at one point. Then some people decided to take advantage of that, and turned the place into a 'hostile' environment for the little kids.


But to be on topic, NeoPets, by far.

I've been on it since 1999. Everything else is just lame in comparison.

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  • 5 months later...
My sister tells me that you were able to type your own messages at one point. Then some people decided to take advantage of that, and turned the place into a 'hostile' environment for the little kids.


But to be on topic, NeoPets, by far.

I've been on it since 1999. Everything else is just lame in comparison.


Yeah a lot of people at my school told me you were able to do that on Webkinz before they got all kid safety or whatnot. Anyways neopets is better.


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