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BIG NEWS: Altador Cup Coverage


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Hello everybody!


We've just hit a big milestone here at The Daily Neopets! Our Altador Cup Coverage (which is totally awesome, by the way) is now the FIFTH FOURTH MOST VIEWED PAGE on The Daily Neopets! WOW!! The reason why this is a big milestone is because we have a lot of other single pages that get huge amounts of traffic and the Altador Cup Coverage has managed to break in there in just the short time that the AC has actually been around! FANTASTIC! ^_^



Haven't checked out our fancy Altador Cup Coverage? It's the best in the biz... click the banner above to check it out! Also, if you haven't already gotten a fancy Altador Cup counter, you should really get one now (they're spiffy ;D).


Thanks for being a part of one of the coolest Neopets sites around! We love you guys! b)

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I just love waking up at 12:30 PM on a Saturday afternoon to await a news post by Ian in my beautiful Mail RSS inbox that is titled "BIG NEWS". It makes me think that I missed something, but yet it always brings a smile to my face when I read what he writes because Ian's "BIG NEWS's" are always awesome news's. Yes, I am using "news's" because I can, so HA! :P


Anyway, as far as the top pages, I now only know 1st, 2nd, and 4th. Ian is very secretive about our stats. :shiftyeyes_anim: So here's what I know, and my guesses. :D


1. Dailies Page

2. Index

3. ?????????

4. Our beautifully wonderful Altador Cup Coverage

5. ?????????


If I had to guess for 3 and 4, I would guess our Altador Plot pages, because our Altador Plot Coverage was the best, and they are verrry popular, have you not seen all the questions that arise on our forums?!!!/ Also, probably one of our content index pages are probably up in the ranks, you know the Game Guides or the Articles, how they list all the pages, well people have to go there to get where they wanna so, I'm sure it racks up quite a bit of traffic.


I'm TJ, and this is TJ TV. Goodnight.

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I woke up at... 11:30 am or something.

In either case, I agree with TJ.


TDN provides the best Neopet coverage a fansite has to offer. Always on the prowl, our staff is sure to find out the latest in Neopia. (And soon after that, write fascinating articles about it.)


Besides, the layout for the Altador Cup Coverage is hawt.

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I somehow expected it, I agree that the Altador Cup coverage is really great compared to other sites and also I always visit this site everyday to check on the news and also the standings...

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Guest tiny_gem

wow u can find out so much just from goin on here :graduated: i never new about this kinda stuff until 2day :laughingsmiley:


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