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After re-reading posts on my previous topic, another question comes to mind.


Just transfer the item over to your main account if you are thinking of selling it, since making Neopoints on a side is a no-no.


Does this apply for "Guild Accounts"? Our guild intends on having a guild account set up with a donation shop and a gallery full of items that other guild memeber can "buy" using "guild team points". All current items would be transferred to the other account and any NP gained via the shop would be used to buy items off User Shops to be in the gallery as another prize.


Everything guild related is very tricky...


You should not have points or contests of any kind. TNT allows guild shop so you can get funds for a mall or something like that. The rule is really unclear...


You can have competition in your guild, but the prizes should be honorific, not items. (Trading points for items make them a prize of some sort) Example, you can have a list of honor, offer guild position or make awards... but items offering items is a no and could get you frozen. I'm just saying.


Yep. There has been a lot of confusion clouding that rule. As Xepha said, guild shops are only allowed as long as you use the funds for non-materialistic way. They are not allowed for buying items to give away to your members.


A great solution is to make little awards for guild competitions. Or give the winners special priveleges like admin powers.


What do you mean by "non-materialistic"? As in, no items? :O


Anyways, the Guild Leader and I have discussed and we have a new plan... And obviously I want to know if it allowed.


OK, instead, by participating in activities and doing well on them, you gain the privilege to bid of auctioned items. How it'll work is that like those "1NP Neofriends Only" Auctions. Users who have gained the privilege are allowed to be Neofriends with the guild account. An item (generally your common codestone, bottled faerie or negg) is auctioned off. The starting price will be pretty low, and the minimum increment will be set low as well. These users will then be allowed to bid on it.


That way, we're not actually giving things away. We're just selling things to them at a lower price.


But then, if by "non-materialistic", you mean no items, then the NP from the Auction and Shop can't be used to get more items for this stuff... And since getting NP on a side isn't allowed, we're not allowed to transfer the NP to the main, where it can use the NP to get more items to transfer back to the side right?


Ugh, I hate how this all works... >_>


The rules are written in a way that won't allow rewards and contest. You can still offer presents (or jellies...like I call it) but be careful because report happy are everywhere. (Especially if you go and advertise your guild)


Looking at the rules...


Contests, raffles, or any other promotions promising a prize are not allowed on Neopets whether it be in a user's shop, guild, etc.


We aren't technically offering a prize to the winner. It's just a privilege that has no value in NP what-so-ever. The privilege lets them do something that others can't, but it's still not technically a contest. (Especially if it's an auction, where it's basically a contest of speed on it's own, so freezing us because of an auction is simply silly)


The problem right now is the NP and the transfer of it... because looking at the rules, it isn't allowed. And that messes everything up. >_> So, is there any way from the rules that is technically allowed?


But they can ultimately get a prize. Although it's a way of 'getting around it', TNT or report-happies might not see it that way.

The rules are iffy, as others have said. Many guilds still have contests and prizes, I'm sure (because it's one way of attracting new members).

Since it's difficult to judge whether it's really against the rules or not, I'd say that if you don't want to risk everything, better not take the chances.

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