vicjw Posted June 22, 2008 Posted June 22, 2008 I have tried, tried, tried, tried to get the hang of Yoo-yuball but I am terrible. I still wanna take part in ACIII however, so have been playing SS and MSN as often as possible. Average Scores: SS - 350+ and MSN 4500+. I've found score "calculators" on other websites, that let you put in how many games of each game you have won at. I've put my statistics in and going by this, I should have at least reached Level 1, but I'm still classed as a beginner. What I am wondering is: for games like SS and MSN is there a minimum score for each game that would then count towards getting a better ranking? Any information and advice would be helpful :)
Justin Posted June 22, 2008 Posted June 22, 2008 Yes, I'm almost certain that there's definitely a minimum score for them to be counted towards the ranking (or they count VERY VERY little to the ranking, and I mean very little). I find the errors affecting me as well, so I'm trying to try out the exact score. I currently guess that the score for SS is around 400~500 and that for MSN is around 6000. Not sure, though. Different websites have different formulae themselves, and I struggle to follow. I suggest you really try out YYB, it's the quickest way towards ranking up. The guide at ACIII Coverage in TDN covers quite a lot of what you need. Just practise and you'll finally get the hang of it.
Xepha Posted June 22, 2008 Posted June 22, 2008 About YYB, it really helps to get the ball from the kickoff (when the ball is selected, have your cursor near where your center player (or one of your attack player if you play in 2 + 2) is standing, then move quickly towards the center of the field and you should be there before the other team! Then you need some practice with the angles, but if you don't play, you won't improve. I'm not sure what the scores are for SS and MSN... and I didn't play them much. Over 5000 pts for MSN makes sense... and I really have no idea for SS but I can easily get 550 pts.
The one who clogs the sink Posted June 22, 2008 Posted June 22, 2008 I've got MSN at about 4500... that's my guess, because about half my MSN games seem to count, and 4500 is about my average, I've heard SS is at 350, but I hate the game, so I haven't tried anything
Justin Posted June 22, 2008 Posted June 22, 2008 I'm quite positive the MSN minimum should be higher than 5000, but the exact is not sure, for I am certain that I get 5000+ every single time, and combined with 195 wins of YYB (along with 4 dunno-if-counted SS), I still haven't got Rank 4 (but did so when I had 196 wins). According to the calculator, I have 200.811 points with 195 wins and 39 games of MSN. So either the MSN minimum is around 6000+, or more MSN games have to be played (more than 15) to accumulate 1 point.
Xepha Posted June 22, 2008 Posted June 22, 2008 I think Neopets don't round up points. So you have to have over the minimum points to get the rank...
paulmcdermott Posted June 23, 2008 Posted June 23, 2008 I sympathise with you, I to truely suck at YYB, after 7 days of practice, my win loss ration is terrible in fact 0 wins, 350 losses, hence I have decieded to cut my losses and concentrated on SS and MSN. I have found that you need to get results at SS over about 125 :graduated: ( have not found the exact number, but I will) also MSN I usually score over 4000, and while doing this the TDN points counters seems to work great. I have already made it to level 1 on just SS and MSN ( 166 and 81) One the way to level 2...
terror_island Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 What I do is (since I'm actually pretty good at YYB) use TDN's calculator and play until every one of the win/draw/SS/MSN counters is at 0.
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