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Found 15 results

  1. Profile and information are here. https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/void-wyrm While Void related and it drops a couple void-related items, this may or may not be part of the plot as it is not yet in any plot waves.
  2. Battlers often have one or more favorite opponent(s) to fight. Whether it's the character itself, the prizes that can be won (for whatever reason), or maybe it simply fits their current or preferred battle-set? So here we invite anyone and everyone to share with us all which 1p opponents you like to battle and why. Do you like to battle against other Neopians in 2-player battles? Tell us about that too! You can either simply say which 1p opponents you like to battle and why, or you can link to their profile from the list of Active Challengers here. https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/secret-challengers RULES: Respect people's decisions as to whom they fight. In regards to 2-player fighters, do NOT post the usernames or pet names of those you battle in 2p without their permission! It's OK to say if you are open to 2p challenges from other players or not.
  3. Which faction are you joining for the 227th round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons
  4. Which faction are you joining for the 226th round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons
  5. Which faction are you joining for the 225th round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons
  6. Which faction are you joining for the 224th round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons
  7. Which faction are you joining for the 220th round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons
  8. Which faction are you joining for the 213rd round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons
  9. Which faction are you joining for the 204th round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons
  10. Which faction are you joining for the 191st round? So, vote! Good luck! PS. You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons! Sorry I was so late to post this!
  11. Which faction are you joining for the 190th round? So, vote! Good luck! PS. You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons!
  12. Any hints or predictions on who will win this round? Ps. this is my first time creating a poll here, do correct me if I have done sth wrong
  13. Which faction are you joining for the 188th round? So, vote! Good luck! PS. You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons!
  14. Which faction are you joining for the 186th round? So, vote! Good luck! PS. You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons!
  15. Which faction are you joining for the 185th round? So, vote! Good luck! PS. You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons!
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