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The Darkest Faerie

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Status Updates posted by The Darkest Faerie

  1. You'll never figure it out... UHN is going to stay in my possession forever! *laughs*

  2. *laughs* Your good friend... Fluffy Minion #9... has been taken by me. Native was a witness of it... go and ask her questions on my new topic. ;)

  3. And I think AA is looking for her now... >:)

  4. *grins* Are you viewing my topic by any chance?

  5. *laughs evilly* UHN is never returning... I saw you viewing my topic. >:)

  6. You'll never rescue UHN! She'll be locked up wherever I've taken her forever! >:D

  7. *evil grin* UHN is now in my possession... and she cannot be rescued. Even another moderator won't be able to save her... but Ian and all four? Hmm...

  8. Brucey B will be interested in this place in Neopia...

  9. *laughs evilly* UHN has been locked away... and nobody will rescue her! Muahahahaha...

  10. No need to wish me luck... *smiles evilly, then leaves a Meepit on your profile and disappears, laughing maniacally*

  11. *screams, then my eyes glow purple and I stop* Your Fluffy Minion has now been forced to work for me... me, the Darkest Faerie.

    (I was actually thinking of a contest to do with this. :P)

  12. Hide me! *runs behind, ducking a darkness spell* The Darkest Faerie is after me! She's already taken over my profile... she's ready to take over me! :(

  13. Ian... I'm scared. The Darkest Faerie is taking over my entire profile... even my display name! I know we're partially insane, but this is completely ridiculous! I mean, why would the Darkest Faerie choose to target me? ;-;

  14. Yeah... me and Stephanie/Native are teaming up, and hopefully Anime can join us as well... perhaps even Ian! I'm considering making this an actual mystery in the contests, just need to think of a prize. xD

  15. We need a kind of mystery game... like a "Where is UHN?" game. With clues hidden in the posts around the forum... but the question is, what should the reward be? xD

  16. I'm prepa-WOAH! *ducks a darkness spell, but gets grabbed by the Darkest Faerie* HELP!!!

    Darkest Faerie: Muahaha... you won't be seeing your UHN for a while... *flies off*

  17. I... I don't know... I-I'm scared. And it might be weaker if she's on the other forum if you're not a mod there as well... ;-; At least I'm protected as the owner hasn't cleared my mart inventory there. But once he does, I'm at big risk unless I pass my name changing item to someone for safe keeping...

  18. Protect me... the Darkest Faerie is currently waiting for the chance to change my name on another forum. ;-;

  19. Look at my profile... the Darkest Faerie's taken over everything, including my display name. I'm glad I didn't hurt your ears, and I still have to find the next episode of the first series of Mermaid Melody. I've gotten to about 43 episodes in so far. xD

  20. Happy Birthday! And sorry if I hurt your ears singing the song...

  21. @_@ Take those happy haikus off! The Darkest Faerie shall rule all... wait, why did I say that? Keep them on! The Darkest Faerie is trying to take over me! ;-;

  22. I think I'm too big to hide behind her... WOAH! *ducks a darkness spell, then runs off screaming*

  23. Anime, I'm scared... :(

  24. O_o I'm scared now. Who changed my name?! I did NOT change it to The Darkest Faerie... but when it was changed, I didn't know where I was. She must have taken over me... *huggles*

  25. I know... I am really scared. *hides behind you*

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