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The Darkest Faerie

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Status Updates posted by The Darkest Faerie

  1. :P Joking. It was changed recently. I'm nervous because... she's not my only enemy. One of the Team Galactic commanders is named Tara and she pretended to be me quite a bit. But I won't let her take my name as well... :P

  2. :o I can change my name? :D *runs to my CP*

  3. I can literally be a Fluffy Minion of Morgan now. :D And I have strange cat actingness in me... I keep landing on my feet, play with string and yarn and ribbon like a cat... I occasionally break out with ~nyaa. :P

  4. Okay. :P *leaps out of Stephanie's arms and turns back into a human* :D

  5. *mews happily and leaps into your arms* I like being a cat so much that I couldn't resist turning into one. :P

  6. :P Morgan, you're behind the times. I'm back! *hugs ang gives you cheese* No matter what, I'll still be your Fluffy Minion.

  7. I shall try as much as possible. The Darkest Faerie is the most evil person i've ever met...

  8. *hugs* I missed you so much, Tara! Especially you as you share my name... :(

  9. I can't believe you sided with the Darkest Faerie, against me! Me and Stephanie were shocked...

  10. *hugs* I really don't know how to repay you for the help... once my name change comes, I can have a normal life. Now, if only I could think of a smaller set for JN, where she took over it as well...

  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D *stands away* How dare you team up with the Darkest Faerie while she trapped me! Now, what made you, Laura? *gives a stern look*

  12. I'm leaving them like this until I can think of a good idea for a set. I might go back to my Harry Potter one... you know, with Fleur. /has got a grown obsession with Harry Potter again

  13. It's great to be back. :D You, AA, Saphira, Tivsy and Stephanie are real heroes... even if the Darkest Faerie refused to let Stephanie guess... all five of you are still heroes. :D

  14. *hugs* I'm glad to be back! I missed you all!

  15. *hugs tightly* I missed you so much! Thank you! I don't know what I'd ever do without you guys...

  16. *hugs* How are you Anime? :3

  17. >:) UHN shall never be found! And if you are ready to guess, PM me. Not that you'll guess where she is... >:D

  18. Stephanie... I... I hope someone saves me... I hate being in - *has been cut off*

  19. I hope that people work out where I am... I'm scared about not knowing where I am. ;-;

  20. UHN won't reach your comments, she can only reach Stephanie's and Ashley's, and the topic... >:D I'll find her secret of doing so and disable it!

  21. She says the clue has been hidden. Have you got writer's block on the questions?

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