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Rising Star

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Status Updates posted by Rising Star

  1. Dang :/ I wish my parents would give me a car, or any of my family members. I'm sure my mom would let me use her van since she doesn't drive it that much. But I need a job for gas and insurance :/ I still don't have my drivers license. I'm too scared to drive >> I panic when I see other cars, and I'm always afraid I'll hit something. Stupid fears.

  2. I still don't have my first cell phone XD. I know how you feel. I have to buy my own car as well. Two of my friends got pretty great used cars. I have to get a job, and buy mine own >> Which I think it's stupid, but meh.

    XD. Nahh. I don't think you sound bitter. Or atleast I can't tell

  3. It's just so weird. I think about how the kids born into this world now, have all this cool stuff that I didn't have while I was growing up. Then I think about what it's going to be like 10 years from now. I guess I'm weird, but this stuff interest me :D

  4. Wow! My brother gave me his after he got done with it. He didn't really use it. I want one of those necklaces Hard drives, or keychains ones. Those would be pretty cool :/ The only place I know where you can buy them from is through the internet. And I don't have a credit card, or any money :'C.

    120? Wow! It's funny how technology has moved forward. I remember thos...

  5. I bet you have lots of cds lying around XD. I love my flashdrive, even though I don't use it that much. I'm afraid someone is going to find it or something, and then use it :/ Or look through my pictures and stuff. I use it to keep stuff I write, and etc. I think I'm going to put neopets stuff on there...well maybe XD

  6. Sorry if it takes me forever to reply. I'm playing a few games of Key Quest.

    Omg. Wow I would imagine that stinky :C. I had some pictures on my old computer, which I wish I would have kept. Some were of me in 7th grade with old friends, and stuff like that :/ That's why I try to upload things to my facebook/photobucket so encase my computer gets wiped or something, I'll ...

  7. I've always wanted an external hard drive :/ I sometimes use my 8 gb flash drive though. If I had a job, I would probably buy something bigger and better :/

    Whenever I make it, I'll send you the link :D. I still have to make a pet for it.

  8. I wish I had one of those fancy ones. :D I would rather have that, then a point and shoot. But I'm happy with what I have.

  9. The Camera or the webcam? XD. I have a point and shoot camera :/ It's not techy or anything like that.

  10. XD. well I took it with my webcam :/ Didn't feel like using my camera.

  11. What's smart? XD.

    And yeah, I did it yesterday :D

  12. I like the folder idea too. I just keep everything on photobucket, so it doesn't take up too much of my computer memory. Hm... I think I might go make a pet page.

  13. Really? XD. I didn't know that. I just thought they looked cool.

  14. You can start your own pet page full of them :D I thought about doing that, but meh. Too much work. They can't? Wow, that sucks :/ It would be cool if they could.

  15. Ooh really? DO you take screenshots? Once I get 3m, I'm going to start zapping my poogle, and hopefully I'll get something good.

    Btw. I was looking at your cool zapped petpets, and could you turn your krawk petpet into the actual krawk pet?

  16. I've had some good ones, and some bad ones :/ I usually take screen shots of all the color changes, and all that good stuff. There on my photobucket somewhere. Unless I deleted them :C. I wish I would have kept my tyrannian gelert.

  17. XD everyone has something they like to collect, and for me, it's avatars. It doesn't really bother me because eventually, I'll get it. :D You should keep trying. avatars are amazing.

  18. Thanks for the wonderful offer though :D And it's ok. I'll just slowly build up my nps until I have enough.

    I wish the lab ray was alot nice too! Whenever I get a color change, the next day, I got another one. I'm like wth? Why couldn't you have done that 10 zapps ago?

  19. XD. I figured that people would do that, since I changed my name :D.

  20. I used to have a hissi, but I zapped him, and he changed :/ Now I'm just trying to morph him back into it.

  21. Yep :D I added those yesterday. I think you were offline, or asleep when I did.

  22. Yep! I finally found out how to do it XD.

    And thanks :D

  23. XD. I know! We are buddies on alot of things XD

  24. I have a Dell laptop as well :D

  25. XD we are! But I got my forever ago. What kind of laptop did you get?

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