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Status Updates posted by Meeptroid

  1. I like to creep on profiles.

  2. Zac, where are yooooou....


  4. Hm, I tried looking around but I can not find them anywhere... They were on my old computer, before I switched to a new one... Sorry about that.

  5. is floating about through the universe and whatnot.

  6. It is Zac. :o

  7. I like to keep tidy. D=

  8. What are you going on about? Morgan and I know each other enough to the point where its obvious I am playing around...

  9. Ugh. I just stepped in a big steaming heap of Morgan's profile. =( That will take weeks to scrub off.

  10. Holy crud, my leg got caught on Morgan's profile. D=

  11. Although Morgan has a nasty habit of saying "Hey! Listen!" a lot. :(

  12. As a matter of fact, there is going to be a game hitting the market soon called "Legend of Keiko". Nintendo Lawsuit Safe

  13. We're like... your bestest friends forever and stuff.

  14. Keiko, put on the football gear. Thou shall be tackled.

  15. omg, iz tat morgan?!shift!

  16. Oh ma gawd, it's Sugar. :o

  17. OMG, Morgan. u r so kool and stuf. cn i hav ur @utograf?

  18. OH MY GAWD.

    Morgan pwns more than the average person. Crunch those numbers and divide the answer by 42.

  19. on noes, u quitz neo? cn i hve ur ac0unt plz?

    Naw, not really. Just checking up on you. Rock on.

  20. Morgan rox my sox. :o

  21. Sam pwns. Pass it on.

  22. Breaking News:

    Morgan has been caught today being pwnsome. Many people were largely affected by this occurance.

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