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Posts posted by NeoOlogy

  1. You randomly get the avatar when scoring 24, but like I said it's completely random. I have got a score of 24 quite a few times and I have yet to get the avatar.


    You are talking about Bilge Dice when this is about Deadly Dice.


    Anyways, make sure your pet is level 3 or higher. Also, if you are playing just to get the avatar, be careful because losing at Deadly Dice after you get the avatar will make you lose the avatar. I would recommend ignoring it because people often need to play it to change their pet's levels (decrease the level to 2 or 1 to make lending pets easier or remove an unwanted level for training or gain levels because training becomes too expensive) but if you know you will never play Deadly Dice again, then try and get the avatar now.


    Good luck and I also got my avatar a month ago (I didn't realize I got the avatar but I was lucky I won the next night otherwise I would have to keep playing to get the avatar again)

  2. I sure did!


    I just started playing neopets again this year and I completely forgot my bank pin!

    So when I got up to the stage where you had to match your neopoints with one of the three shop's inflation thing, it was pretty annoying.


    So, I stopped.

    Hopefully if I can get my pin someday when I turn 13, the plot will still be available, otherwise meh.


    Just use the trading post or your shop till to store the extra neopoints. Have a side-account create a junk trade, you offer an item as well as the extra neopoints you need to put away (this also works when getting free food from the soup faerie) and then check. If you need the neopoints back, just cancel the trade offer. Same goes for your shop, just put a junk item at the price of the amount of neopoints you need to put away, go to your Shop Front, buy the junk item, and the neopoints are safely put away in the Shop Till until you collect it.


    As for the starting and stopping. I occasionally do it if I decide to call it a day and continue in a few days (or weeks because of the annoying Water Plant).

  3. :O Never thought about if it was iphone/ipod touch friendly before (as in, I don't have one... too expensive for the first one, and I got the new nano instead of a touch). Neopets isn't so much Apple friendly usually... I remember Dungeon Dash that was only working in IE a few months ago, and got everybody annoyed (me included).


    If you do turn a petpage into a Iphone friendly page that maps Neopets, make sure to enter into the Site Spotlight. That's one thing that would deserve to win.


    I think it was about time that there was a site map for Neopets.com, I'm getting started right away but I don't know where to start yet and what layout.


    Should I use tables or lists to list the (almost) all the links?


    EDIT: Maybe I should use drop downs if I can get a working javascript?

  4. *nods* I would... Because if solving a plot seems hard for you all, you have no idea what it is to provide coverage.


    When the plot was firstly released, finding the SPELL was really annoying. You would get to your spellbook and nobody knew which spell to cast. People teamed up on the boards and nothing worked... they had a checked it all out. A while later, the step was activated by TNT. >.>


    Wow. Do you remember what the correct spell would do before it was activated or was it just blank? I guess TNT felt like torturing us by waiting to release certain things that we are breaking necks over (take Bonju for example). At least the Petpet Park Plot wasn't that bad (or random). Atltador Plot requires patience and Petpet Park Plot requires brains. What will they think of next? Fast reflexes perhaps?

  5. I hope you lose the level you didn't want. I would use the method but I just got the avatar and don't feel like risking it and end up going through all the trouble to get the avatar back. Midnight on Neopets is 1AM where I live so I have it a little harder (good thing I'm not playing anymore).

  6. I got a little upset last month when some of the easy sponsor games that gives an easy 1,000 NP get their NP Ratio halved (now I get a max of 500-600 NP per play). I really do hope the NP Ratio increases. I really think GMC is the cause seeing how the Keys from KQ were all giving one prize less during the Halloween promotion and returned to normal afterwards.

  7. Woot! It makes me so happy that Avatar Lending is quickly returning since what happened to Jerry. I don't have the collateral to be lent any of the more expensive avatars like Faerie Queen Doll and Zafara Double Agent Plushie but I hope I will soon. Any ideas on what will be after Zafara Double Agent Plushie?


    For Jerry:

    Don't lose hope! :jerrypteri: We're rooting for you!


    (Sorry, I just found the emoticon for Jerry and wanted to use it so badly.)

  8. Hello Htebezele. It is nice to see more new members on the tdn forums. I hope you like our little community but just be careful what you eat from the the snack table. :sick01: Just ask around first unless you would like to take the risk of eating poisoned food.

  9. I personally hate the Water Plant because a few mistakes and you end up starting over. With a total of 256 different combinations with one of them reseting the correct combination, it is a major pain. I even tried to help my sister using a spreadsheet I created for this that never failed but it seemed to fail me this time (maybe low concentration had something to do with it).

  10. I just noticed it and there is another map to add to my "avoid when using iPhone" list. I'm starting to miss the point on why choose your Bandwidth Setting (GIF/JPEG or Flash) when about half (or more) of the maps must be flash because they lack a GIF or JPEG counterpart. It is getting harder and harder to do things on Neopets with my iPhone (unless Adobe and Apple finally reaches an agreement and releases a flash player for the iPhone's Safari). I might decide to turn one of my pet pages into a complete site map soon if this continues.

  11. I remember having a dream the morning of Nov. 15th (Neopets' birthday) that I was messing with the telescope in Altador (I already did the plot so I have no clue why I was there.) and then after a minute of randomly looking at the stars and constellations there was a random pop-up. The pop-up had the Aisha - Hoban the Navigator avatar at the top with the message, "That is so cool! That looks like Bonju..." Sorry, I don't remember the exact message but I did send it to one of my neofriends that morning and then searched all the stars and the source code of the page for any clues but turned up nothing. I did think about how that would be the best place to hide the avatar because of a few reasons. (1) The Altador Plot is needed to access the telescope which would explain why the plot hasn't been closed yet and (2) who still goes to the telescope after the plot just to look at stars? I know it sounds (very) crazy but it may be possible seeing how none of the other theories have worked so far. I was about to ask Neopian Times if the avatar is related to the Altador plot but I am in such a frenzy in asking, I can find the link where you submit questions.


    I really hope somebody finds how to get the avatar soon. I was mad to see TNT noting the exact amount of days since the avatar was released in the News Flash.

  12. I agree that there are more and more ads as the years (or even months) go by. I remember hardly seeing any third party ads 5 years ago (Maybe being under 13 at the time blocked the ads) but I seeing them isn't my problem, it is the new type of content and the positions that is causing so much problems.


    i used the block and kill filter (an add on to firefox). it caused problems in the loading of some pages (which is what helped push me to premium).


    How did it cause problems loading some of the pages? The only way that can happen is if you aren't specific enough or you blocked a stylesheet (yes, I have blocked a stylesheet before but luckily Adblock Plus provides a detailed list of blockable objects and what is blocked so deleting the filter was easy).

  13. I would think it is the ads that are causing the problems. I always block ads on all the sites I visit (there are few exceptions) but now I grew too attached to Google Chrome because of the speed which don't have add-on support so I can't block ads. Now my tabs occasionally get hung by something (always starts when the ads are left) which makes me really wish Google put a physical "Stop" button that works (and no, I am not using the "about:hang" on myself. I would rather use "about:crash" instead since I can be expecting a warning from Google Chrome that the tab is unresponsive anyways).


    If this continues, I would be forced to sacrifice the speed and go back to Firefox.

  14. I will really find the public profile very useful and much more convenient for everybody looking for help or looking to help others. I might even use the banner here on the forums or maybe on neopets.com (Look-Up or PetPage). Does anybody know if neopets.com will block the banner or will I have to upload a copy somewhere to use it?

  15. There are only three possible causes for your problem. Check your cookies and make sure that Neopets.com is allowed to leave cookies. If the problem continues, then there is a problem with your log in session (cookies expire too fast or somebody logged in to force your session to expire) and I would recommend attempting to get your password changed which would eliminate the worst case scenario. The only other thing is that there is a bug in Neopets that incorrectly sets the expiration date for your cookies or the cookie that stores the session info. isn't properly saved.


    I'm not sure what else to say except to attempt to solve the simplest possible problems and then assume the worst just in case until the problem is solved.

  16. It is not random. It is just that the combination changes every time you flood Altador or you leave and have to reenter the plant. Just keep trying.


    Just a question, did you write all 256 combinations by hand on paper or did you use a spreadsheet? I still have my spreadsheet if you want it.

  17. The cookies aren't that bad once when you get past the stomachaches, or was it Neomonia? Anyways, just make sure you have enough time to be sick before eating the cookies to avoid something. I hope you enjoy your time here because it is like the wheel of excitement here with the usual hacking here and the occasional password comprises there. Its not all bad because there is also avatar lending (as long as the important accounts don't make a bad spin and get frozen by TNT). Don't worry about it, 75% of the wheel is friendly chatting but remember to never use the same password for everything, you will never know what can happen.


    Sorry, just kidding. I got carried away with all the completely random things that happens on the main site (not including the forums). There is hardly anything to worry about here on the forums except the cookies.


    Oh and Random Invisible, we aren't that insane. Are we?

  18. WOW!!! - You win 10,000 Neopoints!!!


    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Wheel of Excitement' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



    i already had that av a while ago but the thing is, last night i spun the wheel and i got 10k and just now i did it and got 10k lol. i would say taht's pretty lucky :P


    Maybe some of your luck spread onto me. A few minutes before you posted, I got my Mediocrity avatar. I'm not sure if it was luck or if the Wheel of Mediocrity took pity on me after destroying my Christmas Paint Brush.


    Also right after I spun the Wheel of Mediocrity (when I got the avatar), I spun the Wheel of Excitement and got Pant Devil but thankfully, it took a healing potion instead of some of my more valuable items that I got a few minutes before. I really want to know if TNT is playing tricks on me or if I'm just unlucky. If I lose another item tomorrow (valuable or not), I will be wishing I have the Freaked Korbat avatar because that is what my facial expression will be like.


    EDIT: Never mind, I am getting lucky on the wheels now (unless TNT wants to catch me off guard).

  19. i have a similar problem....

    it may be that i run from a laptop instead of a pc...

    however...everytime a minigame starts...key quest freezes on me...

    then i get booted from the game...when i was having fun...not cool


    Same thing happens to me but I always try to keep the tab up as long as possible for a chance that the game will finish before I get automatically booted/disconnected. I also keep a list of the players and send them a NM as soon as it freezes so they will get a warning and know if they would like me to manually disconnect or wait as long as possible.

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