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Posts posted by jessy

  1. Khepera: wow, you got the turtum avvie? I'm hopeless at that game. I can only get around 150.. I think? I havn't played the new one much. The old one was much easier.


    julie_kofoed1980: Thankfully the jely processing plant was one of my favourite games, so I got the avvie pretty quickly. :)


    Xepha; Why not get maths nightmare, that's my most wanted avatar, but i can barely get over 300 points. than you could give it to me yeah? :P :( There's no way I'm ever getting on the high score list.


    FutureTXGovernor: Yeah, SDB takes forever, but then you can just sell all the items, so it's kinda good in a way.


    Thaladirith: I'm still trying to get the meerca brothers as battledome challengers. My refresh button must be broken hehe. :(


    Congrats to everyone who got the packrat avvie, i know it took me about 2 months to do.. so long, but worth it! :D



    Utena; Same. I haven't gotten them avatars either. I always miss snowager times.


    Splarne; I have a mootix on my pink pet if you are interested.


    Khepera: congratson your new avvie hehe.


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  2. Utena?: Yes, I have way more than 150K to go, i only have 3.1mil. Congrats on getting so far!


    FutureTXGovernor: I have the same problem. I want the pink draik, but it's way too much lol. I' mnever going to buy it, unless I save up about 40mil, or if i miraculously get a draik from the lab ray and then I'll just buy a pink paint brush. I like to have some np's to play with. :P

    **Why don't you buy a black petpet paint brush and a normal gallion. That way it will only cost you around 200K.

  3. I'm not really waiting as such, I'm just hoping maybe one day I can get it for the buzzin avatar.

    That's all I want it for. i'd probably paint the buzz maraquan or zombie. Or snow if they release it by then so I could get the snow avatar to, if I don't have it by then haha.


    Yeah, a jelly pet would be cool.

    Jelly poogle looks nice, or the jelly aisha. *spiffeh*

  4. belltower: That's good. I made my maint pet a grundo and he got zapped pink as his first colour change if I remember correctly. I didn't know Lutari's were only zapped pets. Now, what I would love is a pretty pink draik. Unfortunately, the pink morphing potions are at prices like 8-9 million. :(

  5. Xepha: Yes, very much so. I used the same guide.


    Thewackykid : It seems impossible to me. I finished in about a month or two. But had already done half of level one a year or so ago. So all up it probably took a year and a half lol.

  6. Isabel: Yes, i knew that lol, just wondered what Ashleys sdb was lol. I can't get tarla's free stuff, the toolbar won't install on my mozilla for some reason. :(


    Adris Undead: 10K :O So cheap back then, that must of been way before the avatar came out.


    julie_kofoed1980: i started rading to my pet, but only got to about 250 books. And 50 Booktastic books. I haven't bought many books over 5K. So, i haven't really gotten that far lol.

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