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Posts posted by Leila

  1. I was signed up to be lent for Ghost Krawk this month, and although I replied to Anime's message sent on the first of the month, I haven't heard anything back since, in regards to the date that I'm down for or anything. I was wondering if there's a delay or something, since I normally hear from you guys by the 5th of any month. :)

  2. That is just sucky beyond all previously known definition of the word suck. D:


    I had that same kind of moment once, when I finished a game of Freaky Factory ONE POINT short of the avatar score. I was ready to huck the computer across the room.


    Maybe if you save the screenie and send in a ticket, TNT can help? Not a great chance as screenies can be faked, but it's worth a try.

  3. Attack of the Slorgs though its easiest at the beginning of the month. I haven't checked what the high scores are tight now but you should be able to place, hopefully get a gold :) and you can get a nice new avatar as well.


    You can get Attack of the Slorgs to work for you? How??? :O


    I used to be so good at it but I never got the avvie. I have no doubt I could get it now if I could just get the game to run on my machine. >.<

  4. I do have shares in KSON. That's a real bummer that you can't get the avatar like that. *sigh*


    Do the other high priced stocks also prevent you from getting the av? Namely, VPTS?


    I sent in a ticket so I don't know if I should sell off my KSON stock now or wait to hear back from TNT. Especially since it could potentially be weeks before the ticket is answered.

  5. It breaks my heart to see people hating on NC customizations lol. All my pets are customization largely with NC because those all seemed to fit better. (Seriously, try to make a witch customization with just NP items and show me how far you get. Especially with a species whose Halloween color is not witch-themed.) And I *did* work hard for these customizations--first of all, I worked to pay for NC, and secondly, I've spent literally days' worth of time on the NC boards to find the perfect items for my pets.


    Also, whoever said that Eventide looks like a bad PS gradient - I LOLed. It's so very true.

  6. While, I don't mind the NC mall, I do think it's unfair that there's almost no NP wearables that are animated. I get that NC mall wearables have to be better, but can't we have a few more animated NP backgrounds?


    I also despise the Wraith colour. XD


    I think it may actually be intentional that there's no animated NP items. It's how you can tell the difference.


    To the person who said they should RR the expensive stuff: it's really not their concern what NC items trade for. It's not something they've officially condoned. Your opinion is a fairly popular one on the NC boards, except among the hardcore collectors.


    I love Wraith color. Eventide is uglyyyy.

  7. So the solution on TDN for this avatar reads:


    Have over 1 million invested in your stocks, and view your Portfolio.



    I have stocks in my portfolio that both cost me over a million NPs and are currently selling for a over a million (I wasn't sure what the description meant by "invested in"). But when I visit my portfolio and refresh, no avatar. Am I missing something?


    Frustrating because I only invested in the stock market for the avvie, I want to get it and be done, so I can sell it all and get my NPs back in the bank. :P

  8. I am also 4'10", and haven't grown since I was 12. Yay for short people!


    I am holding out the slightest bit of hope that I'll break 5 feet though. Medically speaking, bones aren't done growing until you're in your mid-20s.


    PS: I've never posted in the general chat before! :O Just saw this on the main page and had to click on it lol.

  9. I thought the OP's preference for buying clothes over PBs was interesting. I mean, the whole reason I want PBs and MPs for my pets is to complete their customization. To me, it's just another part of the outfit.


    And as an NC addict, I just don't get the hating on the NC Mall. Yes, it sucks if you can't buy NC. Yes, most of the NC items are nicer than the NP items, and I wish they made some better NP wearables. But think about it logically--the whole purpose of NC is for them to be able to make more revenue off players. What good what it do them if there were NP wearables just as nice as NC items?


    So maybe my unpopular opinion is that the NC Mall isn't rubbish.

  10. I'm looking to buy a Shadow Paint Brush, but for some reason it decided to double in value the week I start searching for it. v.v (Literally. Was on my wishlist for two months and stayed steady at 800-850k. Last week I finally had the NPs and checked the TP, and it's now up to 1.4 mil, solid.) If possible, I'd like to pay no more than 1mil for it. If anyone is selling one and is willing to take pity on me and haggle, let me know (Neomails are best for me).

  11. Yet another amazing week for me avatar wise...I got:


    - Petpet Laboratory

    - Meowy, Werelupe, and Mootix thanks to the ALP

    - FQD thanks to a lender on the Neoboards

    - I Taunt the Pant Devil (very very painful night refreshing)

    - and the NM addict avatar! o.o I expected it to take a lot longer than that to get that one.


    Oh, and congrats to all who got the Better than You avvie. I always mean to do a game challenge, but I'm so lazy... v.v

  12. I think frozen account pets go to Neopian Limbo. It is not a nice place, somewhere stuffy on the Neopets server. o.o


    My condolences to you and your friend (I'd like to think your Neofriend was frozen due to being hacked and not for breaking rules herself), hope you get your pet back! I can't think of any helpful advice, besides writing to TNT, although as the above poster said, I wouldn't get your hopes up with that approach.

  13. I have a lot of fun keeping a goals checklist on one of my petpages. When I check something off, I don't erase it, I leave it, and it gives me a sense of accomplishment. Little milestones really help me (for example, I put my goals for avatar count in increments of 25).


    My long term goals would be a loooong list. But general overview:


    - Collect all avatars in the known universe. :P This involves several great game scores, training up battle pets, saving up lots of NPs, etc., so actually, most of my goals can fall under this category.

    - Finish my gallery (loooong way off) and maybe, one day, win the gallery spotlight.

    - Get a Draik. I have an egg but I'm all indecisive on whether to hatch or sell, and what kind of character would I give to a Draik if I were to hatch right now, and it goes on and on...all I know is that I love Draiks and I want one. Someday.

    - Finish the customizations of all my pets.

  14. ...This isn't necro-ing, is it? :guiltysmiley: Bumping up something from 4 days ago?


    Anyway, my advice is to wait until something big comes out in the mall that everyone suddenly wants custom for (like GB caps, event ticket packs, etc.). Then you can trade for popular items that are easy to trade. Things like Pink Mountain and Cloud BG, Blooming Garden, Court Dancer Wig, Curly White Wig with Bow, would all be good options.


    Also, I've found that in general, when you're trying to trade for big ticket items, you have to offer a wide selection of items. Always ask people if they have wishlists, and see if you can maybe trade for one of the items they're seeking for the sword.

  15. Game avatars are the bane of my existence. D: Well, next to retired avatars anyway. Good luck getting the Petpet Rescue one!


    I voted for Freaky Factory, just because I enjoy that game in general. But getting the required score for the avatar is really, really hard.


    I've gotten scores between 1230 and 1249 before on Freaky Factory, and it makes me want to chuck my computer at a wall...

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