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Posts posted by eggplantlady

  1. I live in Wisconsin but I don't really have a Wisconsin accent as such. I take bits and pieces of the way I pronounce things from here and there, depending more on what I think sounds right than what I hear around me. For example just about everyone here pronounces "milk" as "melk"... but I've always said "milk". I wouldn't say I don't have an accent, but I wouldn't know what to call my accent. :laughingsmiley:

  2. Ideally? I would love to work in Guatemala, Mexico, or Peru as an archaeologist and study the Maya, Aztec, or Inca peoples. I'd love to work anywhere as an archaeologist, though any of the Maya, Aztec, or Incan sites, or Harappa/Mohenjo Daro or Catalhuyuk would be super cool.


    More realistically, I'm three semesters from graduating with a degree in linguistics, and three years off a Masters degree in Library and Information Studies, which will hopefully enable me to get a job as a librarian (books!), but I could change my major to Russian language at any time so I could work as a translator instead... It's really too bad my school doesn't allow minors in the "weirder" foreign languages, it's a major or nothing, or I'd just minor in Russian.

  3. I say no vote is better than an uneducated or pressured/"just because" vote. Hence why on most issues I don't vote. If I don't feel I have a full understanding or if I dislike both/all candidates, I would rather just not vote. Then no matter what happens, I didn't put that person in office.


    And I don't think it's fair to say everyone has to vote or they should be taxed or otherwise "punished". Everyone has the right to vote, whether or not they choose to exercise that right is their own choice, not anyone else's, and especially not anyone else's when they're trying to get the other person to vote just to vote for their favorite party (as at my school. I have seen so many people going door-to-door in the dormitories asking people who don't want to vote or are undecided to mindlessly vote democrat/republican. It's ridiculous).


    Basically, if I think it's important I will vote (as with the upcoming vote on a possible gay marriage/civil union ban), but if I think both/all candidates are idiots or won't change anything for the better (as with the last presidential election), then I won't.

  4. I've managed to get two so far by waiting for new graveyards to pop up and trying to be one of the first people in... but I agree. There should be some sort of limit so that more people get a shot at it and the people with dial up aren't excluded completely. :S

  5. The only online games I play are Neopets, Kingdom of Loathing, and two versions of Phantasy Star Online (I have it for GameCube and PC). Starting today I'm adding Phantasy Star Universe to that list as well. Yay!


    My cousin used to play Runescape, and he always told me I should join, but I could never get into it.

  6. Utena will always be my favorite anime, I think. :yes: I like a lot of anime really, but I don't actively watch them if that makes sense... I have to really like it to make an effort to watch it instead of catching it if I'm channel surfing and it's on.

  7. My favorite shows don't really have an order for me... So this is sort of arbitrary order... and I have a few more than ten. :*


    1. Shoujo Kakumei Utena/Revolutionary Girl Utena

    2. Choose an anime here! (Zoids: Chaotic Century/Guardian Force and New Century/ZERO, Read or Die, Samurai Pizza Cats, Puni Puni Poemy)

    3. Monk

    4. Psych

    5. House

    6. Teen Titans

    7. Dirty Jobs

    8. Mythbusters

    9. The Pirates of Dark Water

    10. Freakazoid

    11. Ghost Hunters

  8. I tried it with a score of 700+ (but sent my score with one life left rather than finishing the game) and got nothing, but when I played it again and got a considerably lower score (but waited to run out of lives before I sent my score) I got the Meepit Juice. It seems like that must have something to do with getting it.


    First post! Woo!

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