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Posts posted by FutureTXTurkey

  1. Wow, I don't think that could be any cuter...and it's black and white, so I'm almost tempted to get one for one of the twins...

    But NO, their dragon petpets are too cute, and way to expensive <_<, for me to change my mind about.

  2. OH MAN! Congratulations!

    :wub_anim: You know I love all of the contest trophies. :wub_anim:

    I'm so jealous, but truth be told I've never even attempted the poetry contest.

    When I first read the title of this topic I could guess it was you! Congratulations! The poem is written very well! I like the last few lines! Congratulations again! You did this really well! :D :D

    Haha, me too! I didn't even realize it, but I totally clicked on this topic and knew who it was w/o even looking at which user posted. Your so talented Angeló!

  3. I will rate both of them 10/10! Honestly, I love all of your pets! They are so well-customized.

    Thanks so much! I really love customization. I lament losing the art of the UC pets, but I'm not sure I'd go back because I LOVE customizing.



    Originality/Theme: 6/10 - Obviously the negg theme has been done a lot, however I gave you more than half points here because I think parring the colorful

    negg items with your rainbow pets is a good call. Further more, original or not I am always so impressed with people who make nice customizations using just NP items.


    Scenery/Clothing: 9/10 - Background suits the theme nicely and the colorful plushie neggs are definitely your best foreground item. I would loose apron because

    you can't really see it and the purple bow sticking out is kind of confusing when you can't tell for sure where it's coming from. The only reason I know the apron is

    because I have/had it on my Bruce before. I think you could go without the clothes at all, but you could stick with the negg theme and replace it with the Colourful Festival Negg Skirt.



    Overall: 9/10 - Just a few tiny little tweaks and she's prefect. As far as painting her cloud goes I honestly like the rainbow negg combo WAY better. The cloud customization isn't nearly as original and it's doesn't have as much depth and detail. The only thing I like about it better is that the wig balances the clothing and items on the lower portion of the picture. So maybe you could an a wig or a hat to your rainbow combo? Since you have on the cracked negg slippers maybe you could add the negg shell hat? Or I played around with Dress to impress and thought the Altador cup wig looked nice.




    Those goggles look really great on your pet! It's my favorite part of your customization. Is that the Comic Con item they just gave out?

    I know it's not at all original, but since the goggle look so great I kind of wish you would go with a more default Moltara steam punk look...

  4. topgamer.gif

    Got it today. These are the 5 games I played to bring me up to 250:


    Barf Boat

    Big Time Rush Crowd Patrol

    Biscuit Brigade: Hagan's Last Stand

    Capri Sun Peggy’s Peelout

    Capri Sun TableTop Throwdown


    I can't believe I hadn't played Biscuit Brigade: Hagan's Last Stand before. I <3 Tower Defense games.

  5. Well I voted for Terror Mountain based mostly on the fact that I think there are more Maraquan and Shenkuu graphics in existence already.

    So if your going to make your own layout and try to create something original, I think your odds are better if you go with Terror Mountain.

  6. I have discovered the one and only perfect customization that I must have for my Faerie Lenny!


    Faerie Lenny: http://newimpress.openneo.net/outfits/42543


    Great, right? So...the thing is...I don't have like half of those items. (Background, Purple Skirt, Purple Blouse, and Purple Wings)

    So, I am announcing to the world that I will do extreme, fanatic, crazy, and dare I say despicable things to get them.

    And by, "extreme, fanatic, crazy, and dare I say despicable things," I of course mean I will do the only thing I am allowed to do...

    Which is trade you for any NC item you want! In fact, I'll trade you any combination of NC items that you want...


    Here's a link to my nc album, browse away: http://www.neopets.com/ncma/index.phtml?user=futuretxgovernor


    I'll give you my whole wardrobe (minus the things on my pets)...If I can just have those items! I know it's a long shot...

    Those were rare items to begin with and they are all so pretty that no one is going to want to give them up, but I just have to try...

    Especially the background and wings. I know that background is highly sought after, but I just can't live without out anymore.


    Edit: This possibly should have gone in Neopets Help...I wasn't sure. Sorry Mods.

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