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Status Updates posted by youngrace

  1. aw, it's so cute. luv mah new avvie ~ thank you sweetie! *flaunts*

    1. torta


      No prob babe ;D

  2. LOL i remember that. it took me a while to figure out how to leave a post again with this new forum layout. x_X i also loved yami in that ep -- "i wonder how that milkshake's doing?"

  3. i think you're right! it was like ep twenty-something iirc. my favorite episode would be 44 though: "now, I'm going to use my millennium rod, which I keep clenched between my buttocks." could not stop laughing!!

  4. "i really need to stop taking drugs" ♥

    i love those awkward flashbacks, so amazing <33

  5. i have--green hair kaiba! that season was trippy but i really liked it. :)

  6. canon series = unabridged version. i watched the 4kids airing when i was a kid, but when i was older i managed to watch a few of the seasons in japanese. some of the voices were hard to get used to though, especially after tas (since i kept imagining lk saying them. lol)

  7. that was absolutely hilarious. xD btw, have you actually watched the canon series, or have you just watched tas?

  8. yes he's definitely an expert taunter. xD i definitely enjoyed the bonds of time movie though, jack's voice! ♥ i could just listen to him forever ahah. (YUUUSEEEEIII!)

  9. haha omg melvin. ♥ it's sad though, no new episodes for almost four months. i need my ygotas fix!

  10. probably seto for me. cuz he's seto freakin' kaiba! but marik is definitely a close runner-up. :) (i love his council of doom!)

  11. totally! i've been watching it since 2007. who's your favorite char?

  12. oh my gosh, a ygotas fan! *brofist*

  13. *high fives* totally what i would've done too. :) hey, cake is cake.

    aww, and thanks for the compliment! <3

  14. aw, you saw that?! *gives you huge slice*

    careful, it's a week old ;D

    *also loveyoulongtime for being my first friend* ♥ o/

  15. ikr? the price is criminal. D: i actually used to have adobe elements but lost the disc after i moved, d'oh.

    at least i'll always have microsoft paint i guess. :/

  16. *smooths eyebrows*

    haha, thanks for the compliment! ...er, i think? xD

    i'm pretty sure i can thank the picture quality for that though; my eyebrows aren't quite as svelte irl. yay for overexposed photographs! it's like having photoshop without having to pay for it. :)

  17. yep yep! when i first uploaded it though i was like, DAT FOREHEAD. so then i took it down and drew something on it with msp. but no, i don't go around irl with a smiley on my forehead, it's totally cg'ed in. xD

  18. thanks sweetie! and yes, that would be a smiley. le forehead in that pic looked huge so i felt compelled to draw something on it. it kinda looks like a L for loser though. :/

  19. hmm, not sure. i'm pretty unoriginal so i may just stick with it. i'm open for suggestions though!

  20. thank you so much! :D

  21. thank you for your comment! am a total dunce with this forum shiz...spent like two minutes looking for a reply button! *dork*

    ~ have a lovely day ^^

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