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Posts posted by crystal

  1. Yes, Pandar you are correct. You sometimes can get it from the Buried Treasure if you pulled a winning ticket that awards a Dubloon.


    With help sites, check on how recent it is updated. Many sites may be outdated, and it may contain misleading information. :)

  2. I'm doing alright. Though I tend to not like selling them and then they drop in price D:

    I sell some at 60, then some more around each 10 np increase. This way, if it goes up, I won't feel upset that I've sold it all. And if it doesn't, then I'll just wait until it goes up again.

    If you're just starting out, it can be frustrating that your stocks are in the negatives all the time. But just continue buying and once you have several stocks, profit will eventually start pouring in.

    It's not the fastest way to earn np (restocking is!) but if you have many shares and that stock goes up, you'll make lots of np.

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