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Posts posted by Whacker

  1. I have finally gathered 1m of NP together and I'm wondering if the lab is worth spending nearly all of my savings on. It seems like fun zapping my pets every day into who knows what, and I hear it helps their stats quite a bit for the battledome. Plus, its a guaranteed few more avatars I've been eying.


    But is it worth spending so much on? Or should I be saving up or investing rather than spending it in one go..

    I need some opinions :)



  2. Looks like you sorted things out Lia? (trophy in her user profile)


    Am I allowed to post a link to another neopets help site? It gives you your spellbook coordinates using just your star data.

    If not, Hunter, just pm me your star data (if thats even possible) and your URL and i'll see if I can help.

  3. I haven't gotten any codestones in ages =/ I have been getting more random events than normal though, but thats probably because I've been more active. I'm still fairly lucky when it comes to spinning wheels :)

  4. Such a nice closing to the topic you had shadow, but since its brought back up i'll post my opinion :)


    I believe the lives of mass murderers and the like have no value, spending their remaining decades in prison. However, I don't believe in the taking of others' lives, so I'm for the hard labour. Maybe stick them in factory lines and have them do fairly simple tasks; no work, no food. As for setting them loose on some island, I think most of them would prefer the death penalty over being stuck on an island with a bunch of mass murderers.

  5. When the age range on a game is so wide, scamming is sure to be a problem. There is always going to be someone out there who is willing to waste their time luring people into scams. It's sad, but there's not too much anyone can do about it.


    If I run into a scammer while I'm bored I like to lead them on a wild goose chase ^_^ See how they like people lying and messing with them.

  6. I'm stuck there too, getting a bit lazy.


    I have a few questions:

    - does it matter whether I refresh the page or check on valeous?

    - does it matter if I check on valeous multiple times while waiting for the picture to change?

    - does it matter if I feed/bandage/medicine/wait multiple times during the same minute?

  7. I'm (of course) am new here.


    I'm into avatar collecting and I'm trying to get a less pitiful trophy collection. I am currently working on gathering those impressive game avatars and might start looking into stamps.


    Very impressive site and community this is. I would've liked to run into it sooner, it's been a great help already. I like to spend time on forums regularly so you'll probably be hearing more from me :evo:

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